Question about Scorpio men?

2013-08-01 6:25 pm
I have known him for about 2 years and on the phone he makes me laugh, very witty, acts like a cry baby if I don't hit him back or miss a call. Yet he says smart remarks and tries to make me jealous and sometimes i pay no mind but after awhile people can only tolerate for so long and it irritates me sometimes. Don't treat me like a special ed kid if I don't talk to you that way. So one day, I had it with him and ignored him. He then called and i answered and he became confused to what happen and i told him i dont like how he talks to me then i hung up. Ever since then he calls and says sorry and tries super hard to get into contact with me. Like every night or afternoon he will try to call me and i ignore. he tells me he likes me a lot and says he loves me and how sorry he is, he even starts whining but I know scorpios are good manipulators. Hopefully a scorpio man will answer this and tell me what his deal is because us leo's hate bull? Also, does he really like me?

回答 (2)

2013-08-01 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well damn your lucky if he's trying so hard to make it up to you. I haven't come across a Scorpio who tries so hard to please someone. I was recently with a Scorpio(we dated 3 weeks)than i had to end it for many reasons but in short, i couldn't take his ****. There was once a time when he did something wrong and i got upset and wouldn't talk to him he didn't necessarily try to make up with me he did try to talk but more like here and there, you could tell he's not really interested in doing so which made me more pissed than after that he didn't try at all and acted like as if he don't care -__-

If he's trying so hard to talk to you than he must've really like you, and like i said before your lucky cause with Scorpio's you never know where you stand with them so try giving him another chance and if there's something bothering you tell him so he'll keep in mind and not do that next time. Good Luck!
參考: Aries
2013-08-02 6:15 am
well I see some errors on urpart from my perspective:
-you are too impatient and quick to act
-you are stubborn and act like u never annoyed anybody or made amistake
-u assumed he is being manipulative just because he is a scorpio
-u didnt give time to learn his nature (u judged him be the same rule as everybody else, aka u sound young.... early 20s)
-u put ur perogatives over the interaction between u two
-right now u are breaking communication when he is trying to make up, he wont be begging u back forever
參考: Scorpio Sun

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