Can the EDD office hold my unemployment benefits for 3 years?

2013-08-01 5:08 pm
I made a bad decision. I finally got a job and I was extremely behind on bills and in addition I was robbed of what little money I had in my home. So I filed 2 extra claims after starting work. Of course the dept caught it and now I have to pay the money back, which is totally fine, but it states in my letter: Section 1260c: an individual disqualified under section 1257a is ineligible for benefits from 2 to 10 weeks for which he/she must submit a continued claim form to the field office to cover each week and meet all eligibility requirements. No benefits are payable for three years from the original effective date of this disqualification unless it is satisfied at an earlier date and you are otherwise eligible. The repayment of any overpayment does not remove the disqualification. DOES anyone know for sure exactly what this means? Does it mean that if I lose my job again within the next three years I will have NO means of supporting myself until 3 full years have passed? (Please refrain from the hate letters I understand I made a mistake and I am paying for the mistake.) Thanks!

回答 (7)

2013-08-02 4:41 am
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No, that is not what it means.

It means that if you lose your job again within the next three years, then you will get no unemployment benefits for the first 2-10 weeks for which you claim benefits and would have received them if you had not been caught filing extra claims. After the the first 2-10 weeks for which you claim benefits and would have received them if you had not been caught filing extra claims, you receive normal benefits.

What it is saying about "three years" is that if you don't lose your job in the next 3 years, but you do lose it later (after the end of the three years), then you can collect unemployment without losing 2-10 weeks of benefits.
2013-08-01 5:23 pm
It means that in cases of fraudulent claims (like yours) you are banned from claiming unemployment benefits for 3 years. It's as simple as that. Be thankful that you were not prosecuted!
2017-02-09 6:15 pm
參考: Solve Erectile Dysfunction
2016-08-05 6:33 am
Did you depart job B to move to job A? Or did you just stop job B and then discovered your job A? Granted should you give up, now not eligible for UI, however if you happen to worked at Job B and give up considering that higher job at A, might be a "grey" field. But if UI is handiest based on prior earnings for the job you were let go of, then you can also most effective get a few weeks of UI. I should not have the reply, and highly have not noticeable this requested before on YA. Excellent luck
2013-08-01 11:58 pm
Yes you do apparently have it figured out correctly at this time in your life and as you should now know you will have to deal directly with the UI office in your area in your future life time RIGHT.
Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful. 08/01/2013
2013-08-01 5:12 pm
Yes that is correct. Better get some money in savings.
2013-08-01 5:11 pm
if you are quoting what the agency publishes as their policy, apparently they can if the causes for that suspension exist

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