英國working holiday

2013-08-01 8:46 am
我19歲 想讀完HD做一年野,跟住想去英國working holiday 等自己英文好D
1 )申請既內容
2) 有咩重點要注意
3) 要唔要考咩試

回答 (2)

2013-08-01 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
英國(英格蘭 England)是沒有 Working Holidays Visa (WHV)簽發給香港特區護照持有人的,有的衹是愛爾蘭(Ireland),你是要弄清楚。

2013-08-05 16:40:10 補充:
1. 地方比英倫大
2. 同是英語系國家
3. 用澳元較英鎊便宜些
4. 每年申請人數名額無上限
5. 有農場及菓園工可做
6. 氣候較英倫好
7. 較少一些非洲及印巴裔人 (少些人爭食)
2013-08-03 8:48 pm





Tier 5 (Youth mobility scheme)

This section describes the youth mobility scheme within Tier 5 of the UK's points-based system for immigration.

The information in this section is based on paragraphs 245ZI to 245ZL in Part 6A of the Immigration Rules, which you can find on the right side of this page.

The youth mobility scheme is for young people from participating countries and territories who want to come and experience life in the UK. Every year, the UK government allocates a number of places on the scheme for each country and territory.

You can also apply under the scheme if you are a British overseas citizen, a British overseas territories citizen or a British national (overseas) . You will not need a sponsor, and there is no limit on the number of places on the scheme.

If you come to the UK under Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) you will be free to do whatever work you like whilst you are here, but you must leave the UK at the end of your stay. You should not view this as a route for establishing a long-term career in the UK because after you have left, there is no guarantee that you will be able to return straight away as a Tier 2 or Tier 5 migrant, to work for the same employer in the same job.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:36:46
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