Help with lost I.D and plane flight tomorrow!?!?

2013-08-01 4:13 am
Okay so I flew down to Cali to visit my sister. I'm 17 and so I have an Drivers liscence as my I.D that I show the security guy. But now I just realized I can't find my drivers liscence anywhere! My flight is tomorrow and I have no other form of picture I.D! I'm freaking out and is really appreciate it if someone could help me! Thank you so much

回答 (4)

2013-08-01 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
NO ONE under age 18 needs any form of I.D. to fly within the U.S. See below.
2016-12-27 4:53 pm
properly i'm uncertain, I do in spite of the undeniable fact that be attentive to that they gained't determine your college identity card because of the fact it is not any longer government issued. i might call the airline first to verify what you're able to do if something. additionally point out which you have your passport and hopefully your social protection card. Oh and in case you incredibly lost your passport rather of lost it you will could touch the passport organization asap. stable good fortune including your flight.
2016-11-03 6:32 pm
Lost Id Flight
2013-08-01 4:39 am
why are you freaking out?
children under the age of 18 and flying within the usa are not required to show any form of identification.
this is regardless of whether you are flying alone or with someone.

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