Why do people value an animal's life over a human's?

2013-08-01 1:58 am
I might have asked something similar before, but this is just something that really disgusts me. I sometimes watch Untamed and Uncut videos on YouTube, and every time the animal attacks someone, people are mostly commenting how the person deserved it or the people are :cheering" the animal on. It just disgusts me as much as a person beating an animal. I don't approve of animals being hurt by cruel people, but valuing an animal's life over a humans ticks me off just as bad.

回答 (10)

2013-08-01 2:35 am
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First off it's not people doing this just a select few. Not everyone is going to pick one side or the other. People have their own opinions.

I really rather not see an animal getting beat by humans nor humans being attacked by animals. But I will say some are asking for it. Now children may be another story especially babies since they may not know what "NO" means but even my 3 year old nephew knows not to mess with animals or be cruel so most children around 3 or up should know and if not that is lack of good parenting.

And in my science class one year we were taught humans are animals too just different DNA. Of course though I would choose humans because I'm part of the human race.

Humans will even cheer on their own kind in a fight and when it comes to race some cheer their own race like "Go white/black/etc boy/girl"
2013-08-01 1:59 am
It depends. If the person provoked the animal, yeah, he (or she) deserved it. If it was an accident, I would care more about the person
2013-08-01 1:59 am
Animals are nicer people. Sometimes.
2013-08-01 2:10 am
Hi, Kevin. Animals don't judge, they are one's best friend & properly trained are companions for ever for oneself, friends & relatives.
2013-08-01 2:08 am
It OUGHT to tick you off -- it's one thing if a person is thoroughly abusing an animal -- i saw a short film clip on TV about a bear (in an enclosure) and the trainer was trying to get it to do something -- so he got rough with the animal, hitting it on the head with a stick (?!) and, surprise, surprise, the bear got angry and grabbed the man, took him down, and was shaking the living *&%$#@! out of him. In that case i was "cheering" for the bear. That trainer had no business treating an animal like that. (the trainer survived). So as i say, it's one thing if someone is abusing an animal -- but if not, if someone is just suddenly attacked and they have to fight for their life, and even have to kill the animal, that's not a bad thing. Unfortunate, yes, but animals lives are not on a par with human life. Those who think otherwise are a part of a very unfortunate trend we're seeing more and more in the world today: Mass stupidity ...
2013-08-01 1:59 am
animals have more integrity than humans
2016-12-27 4:50 pm
some vegans look like they have this view yet very few easily do. between the justifications for this assumption may be that many vegans are against scientific attempting out on animals that has the prospect to save people. yet another excuse is that individuals may even see vegans protesting animal ignore and abuse and ask themselves, "Why are not they protesting the genocides that are happening?" i be attentive to a pair vegans and none fee animal life over human life. the concept that vegans fee animal life extra is only an assumption made via people who do no longer make the effort to appreciate vegans' viewpoints.
2016-02-17 4:01 pm
this is why i love the ancient times when it comes to animal rights, they dont care about animals in the old times, which is great, no domestic terrorists who will destroy your home for selling meat
2013-08-01 2:07 am
I'm the kind of person who cheers for the bull when the bullfighter gets gored. An actual animal acts only from bestial need. A human acts from bestial greed. One of the ways to distinquish between the two is that an animal kills to eat. A human kills for entertainment. That's why I & so many others cheer for the animal. That might disgust you. Killing animals for entertainment disgusts me.
參考: Nearly 60 years of loving animals.
2013-08-01 2:03 am
Animals are more important because there are too many humans on earth and we're invading their territory.
Animals were here before us.

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