How many "hard" Saturn aspects are too much in a relationship?

2013-08-01 12:31 am
I'm thinking about dating a guy who's Saturn conjuncts my sun, mars, and opposes my moon, all 3 degree orbs. The last time I was in a relationship with someone who's Saturn made those same aspects, we were VERY bonded, we became close fast, she had a really strong hold over me. It took me years to get over it because we were like family. I miss the type of relationship that Saturn aspects cause... but in a dating situation could that create hell because he will be trying to control me ALL THE TIME? That's certainly how it was before. On top of that, since he's got a lot of planets in Capricorn and I have many in Pisces and Cancer, he's going to be the dominant one for sure.

回答 (1)

2013-08-01 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
you go for it

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