
2013-08-01 5:45 am
我宜家讀中5 9月升中6
我就想問 宜家直接去讀一年high school好 定 考埋DSE先去

Thank you:D

回答 (2)

2013-08-01 9:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
考埋 HKDSE 先去美國讀書

Community College 資料大全 (新加:會考廿幾分選擇+高中資料)


美國駐香港總領事館 - 升學輔導中心


The Hong Kong EducationUSA Advising Center is located at the Public Affairs Section, U.S. Consulate General, 26 Garden Road, Hong Kong.
The EducationUSA Advising Center provides accurate, comprehensive, objective and timely information on a full range of accredited schools in the U.S.
EducationUSA gives guidance to prospective students on how to best access educational opportunities in the U.S. Our EducationUSA Advisor helps students identify the necessary steps to apply to college, find information about financial aid opportunities and select the schools which match students' goals and interests.
EducationUSA Services•Free, comprehensive and non-biased online and phone advising on education in the U.S.
•Standardized test information (i.e. SSAT, SAT, ACT, TOEFL iBT, GRE, GMAT, etc.)
•Financial Aid information
•EducationUSA seminars and presentations
•Annual Pre-departure Orientation Seminar
•Handouts and education-related publications
2013-08-01 11:47 am
Finish HKDSE.

Due to how Hong Kong's system design, you will end up in community college in most of the case.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:30:43
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