My dog stopped her period???!!!?

2013-07-30 10:52 am
Hi guys, so 3 months ago my dog had her period and it was normal, but after her first period she didnt have any period for 3 months, am i suppose to be worried?

回答 (5)

2013-07-30 11:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please just get your dog spayed.

In this day and age with the internet at your fingertips then it is almost outrageous that you have not found out anything more about a dogs heat cycle than that.

They do not have a period at all - it is the opposite to a human female.

They come in every 6 to 8 months not every month.

JUST GET HER SPAYED for goodness sake
2013-07-30 5:57 pm
They have a season every 6 or 12 months. So no need to worry. If you are having her spayed, now is a good time.
2013-07-30 6:02 pm
No is called heat. They have it every 6 to 12 months. Get your dog spay.
2013-07-30 5:58 pm
Usually about every 6 months.
For further info read the site below.
2013-07-30 5:59 pm
Most female dogs have two estrus cycles throughout the year. They have two cycles that last about a month long, and they're both 6 months apart.

Your dog's fine, hon.



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