
2013-07-31 2:33 am
You are given 2 empty containers marked '9 litres' and ' 5 litres'. How to get 6 litres of water from a pool with these 2 containers?

回答 (2)

2013-07-31 9:40 am
✔ 最佳答案


9 5
- -
0 0 剛開始兩容器都沒有水
0 5 先取5L
5 0 倒到另一邊
5 5 再取5L
9 1 再倒到另一邊,今次倒滿9L的時候會餘下1L
0 1 清掉9L的容器
1 0 把剛才餘下的1L倒過去
1 5 最後再取5L 
6 0 完成
參考: Calculated
2013-07-31 5:02 am
Transfer 15L water from the pool by using 5L container 3 times and remove 9L
water from the place you have put the water by using 9L container once.


Eventually, you'll get the required amount.
參考: Self-experience

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:35:44
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