Question about smoking?

2013-07-30 7:45 am
Since i am quite curious i would like to trying smoking just once, and i would never do it again after once, but i just wanted to ask a few questions about it.

1) If i smoke very rarely, like maybe once a month? Will it cause much harm to my body or will i live less years?
2) The first time i try smoking, what will happen? Will i cough, choke, or throw up?
3) How many times do i have to smoke to get addicted?
4) How do you smoke? Do you just simply breathe it in and breathe it out?

Thank you so much for the time!

回答 (8)

2013-07-30 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
PLEASE don't smoke not even once.
2013-07-30 2:48 pm
1) well I think that in moderation like a month your giving your lungs time to clear, although it's still bad
2) it will taste very terrible you might cough depends on the person
3) also depends on what you smoke an how often
4) you got to deep inhale like you would drink from a straw
2013-07-30 2:48 pm
If you only want to try in once, don't know how to even do it, and aren't even smart enough to realize that you will cough and choke like an idiot when you do it, then why bother?
A person can be mentally hooked after just one if they really enjoy and just simply want to do it again and again.
Don't even do it; its simply stupid.
2013-07-30 5:45 pm
You are heading down a dark road with these questions. i loved smoking the first time i tried it and i strongly regret ever doing so.

1) it will always harm your body. every single little bit of that smoke that enters your body is toxic.
2) you will most likely cough/choke but that doesn't happen to everyone.
3) it could be your first time or it could be your 10th time. you must remember there are different types of addiction. there is physical addiction, this is the kind you most likely wouldn't feel after having just one (and its very unpleasant.) there is also mental addiction, liking it so much you just want to have more of it. that can happen to you THE VERY FIRST DRAG YOU TAKE.
4) i cant teach you how to smoke, and i wont teach you how to smoke. i regret ever starting in the first place so i will not help someone else go down the wrong road like i did.

oh and one thing i forgot and nobody seemed to mention so far is that ITS REALLY EXPENSIVE TO BUY THESE DEATH STICKS
參考: Personal experience/struggles
2013-07-30 3:37 pm
Smoking is a very bad idea. I don't care what kind of smoking, it is still bad for your lungs.
1) It will cause harm to the body, it damages lungs, and can cause a variety of cancers. And you probably will not be able to only smoke once in a while because the nicotine in cigarettes are really addictive.
2) Depends on who you are. But, you are inhaling smoke into your body..
3) Most people get addicted very quickly. Mostly the first time. A lot of my family are addicted to cigarette smoke. Many people use it as a stress reliever, and it's very hard to quit. And it would be very expensive to keep up if you did get addicted. So just, please don't do it.
Also, if you plan on having children, it can have effect on them negatively, and it can ruin a lot.
Just don't do it, You won't realize it now, but it will have an affect on you at some point in your life.
2013-07-30 3:27 pm
Please, don't start. Yes it is addictive. You cannot miss it now as you have never smoked. No, smoking is not cool it is a horrid habit and sooooo difficult to quit. I strongly urge you not to start, Please.
參考: experience :-(
2013-07-30 3:16 pm
1) Smoking maybe once a month won't do any noticeable damage to your body, though it will definitely lower your life expectancy in the long term. I think it depends on the individual.
2) The first time you try smoking, you WILL fell sick- you'll definately cough, maybe feel dizzy/nauseous, and you'll have a headache for about an hour afterwards.
3) You WILL get addicted. The time it takes to go from smoking once a month to smoking every ten minutes depends on your willpower, I suppose.
4) Take a drag, let the chemicals saturate your lungs (if it hurts you know you're doing it right), and then exhale the smoke.

A puff or two here and there seriously won't hurt you, but don't make a habit out of it. It will escalate, and your life will suck.
參考: Life experience. I'm a smoker.
2013-07-30 3:00 pm
1) every cigarette takes 12 minutes off your life.
2) all of those things are possible.
3) different for different people, some people get addicted to nicotine on the first cigarette, some take a few packs.
4) I don't. I have more respect for my body than to try and poison myself.

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