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this is sex dream, this dream tell you your body is mature, and need sex
, but you dont know have sex with whom will be better, may be have three possible target but all not meet the standard of mr ma, and at the same time your mortal discipine complaint that you are so horny, so paradox occur, and dream and because you supress that so lead to headache or even serious illness, like mental or other problem, as from my understand this in chinese medical may call 室女症 which means you body mature enough to have sex but your turn it down because cannot pass mortal conduct
which means in psychology is id and super ego fighting and cannot compormise to form a ego
sex struggle always occur with those who have religious believe
so is normal, once you find a boy friend and married will solve the problem
or overcome the sex is shame and evil barrier, then you will feel better
2013-07-29 18:21:21 補充:
and the login name you use and choose already implied by your subconscious and betray by your subconscious, all you need to is face what your body need and admit it otherwise will lead to mental problem , low down the criteria which you choose boy friends, ans have nomral growth process
2013-08-02 16:29:50 補充:
室女实热经闭 病证名。见《竹林女科证治》。指未婚女子素体阳盛,阳盛则热胜,热耗阴血而致经闭。常兼见发热、唇干、咽燥、喜冷恶热、脉实有力等症。治宜养血泻热调经。方用四物凉膈散(四物汤加黄芩、黄连、桔梗、薄荷、甘草、竹叶、连翘)。
2013-08-02 16:31:40 補充:
2013-08-02 16:32:06 補充:
看中醫吧 god bless