REPOST.. please take it seriously?issue?

2013-07-29 1:53 am
Note I'm not American , so sorry if you found stupid spelling mistakes , but i think i wrote good.
please I'm serious about this, i hope you you answer me seriously ...
So,I'm a 15 year old girl,
I'm a girl who doesn't care for boyfriends love and dating, all what i care is about my studies and my future.. i regret in 8th grade how i use to like this guy which affected my school records...its not like I'm complicated or something but my goals and dreams must be placed first. I'm scared of life , how its going to drift me ,,will it drift to happiness or sorrow ? Will i find the man of my dreams when i grow up.. Will he respect me , adore me and love me or he will hurt me and kill me with his words , Will i achieve my dreams which later my parents will put their head high, or will i mistake and lose my dreams in a blow of stupidness. Will i be weak in this scary dark world?Or ill stand and face the monsters out there.. oh someone help me I'm still a teenager i must enjoy life but rather I'm thinking what will happen to me in 10 years and I'm scared really scared , i don't want to have a life full of sadness ..oh god bless me i am mistaking a lot , its shame of me how i still repeat my mistakes , I'm trying my best to change but as if everyone hates me, when in front of my face they seem to like me . i have a strong personality, I'm smart and mature .. i know whats the wrong and right.. but doesn't block me from scariness and nervousness.... I'm scared of high school which is 3 months to arrive , to throw heavy things on my back , im scared of the bad friends the bad boys , will they distract me , will i cry every night because i feel no one needs me ,, god dammit im scared of college , when im still far to arrive why im scared of college when im just going to high school.. Am i overreacting?! Im writing this from my heart, i came here because i have no one to ask , i do have alot of friends but i trust none.. sometimes i feel happy and loved and sometimes despreate and fine its not like i need a doctor lol its just a matter of time , but i just need cheerful words that will wake me up , that will wash up the nervousness.. i beg you to help me , i need an advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help please ?

回答 (9)

2013-07-29 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
For a teenager the unknown is always difficult because a teenager is changing, growing into being an adult, so with change there is stress. The feeling you're having are very normal.

As far as being afraid of the unknown, you can imagine it, but that doesn't make it real, it makes it your imagination! Take one step a time, anything worth while will wait and if it not worthwhile it will not wait, so avoid it.
2013-07-29 9:01 am
Once you make the decision to get good grades and go to a good university most of the other important decisions in life follow. I suggest you stop worrying and just concentrate on the task at hand.
2013-07-29 8:54 am
You're sketching brah, chill out :)
2013-07-29 9:31 am
Honey, you have your WHOLE life ahead of you!!! You are worrying about things that are SOO far in the future you're no where near them. Instead of worrying about EVERY aspect of your life with school, friends, boyfriends & everything else in your WHOLE life time, take things as they come. When one things comes up within your life, deal with only that ONE thing. You WILL then get thru that. When the next thing comes along, take care of that. It's almost like you're worrying about eating a WHOLE piece of pie in one bite!! Instead, cut it in slices, take it a bite at a time, a slice at a time. You WILL be OK. There's nothing to fear but fear itself. Free yourself from all those fears. Not a single one of us knows what lies ahead for us. BUT, we know when it does present itself in front of us, we will overcome & take care of it. Have an attitude of gratitude you've gotten as far as you have with NO problems to have to worry you about. You've made it this far & you ARE going to make it each step of the way one step at a time. Get all this extra "clutter" out of your mind & KNOW you CAN & you WILL make out fine instead...the best to you, honey, YES YOU CAN, YES YOU WILL...:)
2013-07-29 9:26 am
Your are in adolescence. Your brain has not competed its development and the hormones are changing your body structure and how your brain works. To be scared is normal, all adolescents pass through this process. You must wait to get the necessary maturity. What your brain is telling you is: "I am no ready yet" and your ovaries are sending messages "I like boys". After this introduction you must understand you need to wait, do not pay attention to your ovaries, try to understand you brain which tells you: "I am not ready yet" I know TV and books send you messages that are not adequate for your level of maturity. Do not pay attention to them. Please wait and everything will functions properly. Do physical exercises, go to movies. Read. Do not be sad, you have a full life in front of you.
2013-07-29 9:16 am
Yes, you are overreacting, but most teenagers do. Have you heard the term "teen angst"? You've pretty well described it.

I remember crying a lot when I was a teenager, too. You won't have a life full of sadness, but you will have sadness. You will also have happiness. Neither one lasts forever. The most important thing is to know that bad things and good things will happen to you, and you will be able to handle it.

You will make decisions, and there will be good things and bad things that happen because of the decisions you make. You can handle this. If you can enjoy the good things, and learn from the bad things, then you will live as good a life as you can live.

You can recover from just about any bad things that happen to you. Wherever you land, you can find a way to keep going. Maybe it won't be in the direction that you dreamed about, but maybe these things will take you to a place that you like even better.

The only things you can't recover from are pregnancy and addiction - at least, they are really, really hard to recover from. So keep clean, and try not to worry so much. And don't listen when people tell you that these are the best days of your life. The best days are yet to come.
2013-07-29 9:15 am
Your 15. What your going through is normal. Your hormones are changing and they will bring up these huge swings in emotions. You will have to deal with it just like everyone else. It is normal, your mom went through it, and your future kids will go through this just like you. However, don't concentrate on what your life may be like in 10 or 15 years, just work on today. Life is like "The Garden Song" in English. Work on the little things of today, they will build into something great in the future. Inch by inch, row by row, we will make this garden grow. It is the little steps that turn into great accomplishments. For today, just have a good summer. When you get back to school, keep working hard, day by day until the year is finished. Don't worry about the boys, work on building a few great friends. They will help you though life's challenges. Back to boys, maybe you will find someone that you like, that is ok. Have fun and keep growing, that is also a part of growing up. You can not live a life of just study, you will burn out, but keep things interesting by doing school work, doing activities, and having fun with your real friends. As for college, that will come and know that you will be ready for it after you get through high school. You may not be ready now, but don't be scared, you will be ready when your 18. As you get closer, these life challenges will get easier, because your learning and growing every day. That is what makes an interesting life. Inch by inch, or sorry your not an American. Centimeter by centimeter, row by row, you will make your garden grow. That garden is you, and you already have a great start.

Good luck.
2013-07-29 9:12 am
That was actually very beautifully written...but you are putting way too much pressure on yourself. You have to stop thinking so far ahead...just try to think about the day at hand. Like a baby ready to take a first step or drink out of a cup instead of a bottle, when you reach the next point you will be ready for it. You're not ready for college now, because you're just beginning high school. But when you are done with high school you will be ready for college...and when you get to college, you will not be ready to live on your own, but at the end of college or maybe a year or two after, you will be ready to live on your own and you will know the things that you need to know or you will learn them. Anything can happen. But it is just as easy for good things to happen to you as opposed to the bad things that you imagine. And you only worry because you do have such a good imagination. So instead of imagining how horrible things could be, but probably won't. Shift your attention to think about how good things can be. If you still can't calm yourself, tell your parents...maybe meditation or medication would help for the anxiety. You don't have to face the world all alone - there are people around you every step of the way willing to share a meal, a laugh, lend a hand or offer a shoulder to cry on.
2013-07-29 9:08 am
what your realizing are the realities of living in our western, individualistic society. i gather you come from from a more collectivist culture where your actions carry significant weight on the repuation of yourself and your family....while at the same time your living in a country where ppl are incredibly self centered and self absorbed...where if it feels right then do it.

if i were you....just understand and accept the fact that your going to have to go to college to make it here in this country and go to high school....BUT...that you can do it while still maintaining many values and aspects of your own culture and the way you have been brought up.

you must decide on whose culture and value system you want to live your life by...your parents or the americans you will go to high school and college with.

it does NOT have to be one or the other.....YOU PICK AND CHOOSE from both culture what you like and what you want to adopt. the rest you ignore with your head held high!!!!

do not worry so much about the crowd .....your right and incredibly mature to realize your actions now will have a direct effect upon the next 20 years of your life....believe it or not it is ABSOLUTELY will graduate college, choose a life partner, decide your core values to live by, and have children.

all you can do is the next right thing and go to sleep knowing you did your best for today....let tomorrows worries and troubles be in tomorrow.....

but there wont be much trouble so long as you live your life NOW according to what you think is right and damn what your parents or classmates think in return.

i wish you the best of luck!!

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