Meditation, silencing the mind, psychic awareness?

2013-07-28 7:10 pm
Ok, so I understand breathing and sitting still is requred for meditation, but I need help when it comes to silencing my mind. Every time I try to do so I hear/feel something high pitched. I can't tell if it's my own vibration, or my brain working, or the clutter in my head. It might be the last 2, but just in case I really need help on queting my mind so that I can reach a level of awareness (mainly psychic)

...and does binaural beats make good use for meditation?

Thank you in advance.

回答 (6)

2013-07-30 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
When in meditation, focus your mind on one thing on relaxing.
2013-07-28 8:50 pm
A study has shown that binaural beats are a waste of time and money. And especially not a good idea if you are indeed hearing some high pitched whine which might be indicative of tinnitus, a medical condition. Get your ears checked first, then change your meditation: there are dozens of different types of meditation-- one or more of them will help clear your mind even if it's something as simple as counting your breaths. But be aware that it can take years to develop psychic abilities through meditation and there are other quicker techniques.
參考: Personal experience
2016-11-10 10:27 pm
Sleep paralysis isn't comparable to the meditative state needed to astral return and forth. And while you're drowsing, you at the instant are not astral vacationing, you're likely dreaming. And basically considering the fact which you recognize a thank you to astral return and forth would not recommend you could, no count how long or not straightforward you attempt. i'm unable to astral vacationing yet i'm waiting to deliver others on journeys and by some potential tag alongside. do not attempt so not straightforward. the terrific way i've got got here upon to deliver human beings out is to have them get right into a meditative state via filling with colorings (Roy G Biv) to get into the meditative state and then seem into the darkness at the back of their eyes. The dark is like being in a dismal room, and someplace in that dark room is a window or door to bypass by using. by using that door or window is a direction - on that direction you may desire to discover a handbook who will provide help to discover your secure place. Your secure place is sealed to all and sundry yet you so if something occurs you could leap decrease back there no count what. it is how I start up all and sundry. And it has worked with all yet one man or woman.
2016-01-28 2:32 pm
Brainwave Entrainment Healing Music Exposed :
2013-08-01 5:23 pm
We all hear a background "noise".
It is present all the time, but usually it is not noticed, or doesn't bother us -- because are movements create real sounds that cover the sound.

At night in bed, or when we cease all movement [as we do when meditating] the background sound is heard, and it is a whistling noise that can be very loud.

If it bothers you, then see a doctor. It may be treatable.

Meditation can be shown to have no useful benefits. So binaural beats are a waste of time.

Best to view meditation as a novelty item.
2013-07-28 10:01 pm
the mind will wander - let it. that's what the mind does. the secret is that in meditation you are not your mind. that is why it is called no-mind. if you are using any mental effort, you are still mind.

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