有關英文Auxiliary verbs

2013-07-29 2:25 am
Auxiliary verbs可以分為幾多種嫁?
何為auxiliary verbs
同埋咩黎 普遍點用?


回答 (3)

2013-07-29 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
好!其實你一定識Auxiliary verbs(助動詞),不過只可能你唔知果d就係。 其實佢地就係以下呢類字:have、do、can、will、must等等 。你想簡單易明,咁我引用University College London的網頁告訴你五類 Auxiliary Verbs。 Auxiliary Verbs是一些用於改變主要動詞意義的一組動詞 ,這些助動詞不能自已單獨使用。 (Wikipedia)
(1) Passive be - 即是被動式的verb-to-be (is/am/are) 例:The film is produced in Hollywood. (2) Progressive be - 即是verb-to-be (is/am/are) 例:The old lady is writing a play. (3) Perfective have - 包括 have/has/had 例:She has broken her leg (4) Modal Verb - 包括 can / could / may / might / shall / should / will / would / must 例:He may arrive early (5) Dummy Do - 包括 do/does/did 例:Do you like cheese?
2013-08-07 11:12 am
主動詞 (Main Verb)和助動詞 (Auxiliary Verb)兩種
Main Verb表示各類動作,行為,心理活動或存在變化等意義的詞
Auxiliary Verb, (又叫 helping verb) 本身並沒有詞義,它是用來幫助 main verb,可以改變主動詞意義.形成各種時態、語氣、語態、疑問句、或否定句

動詞詞组 (verb phrase) = 助動詞 + 主動詞
可以說,動詞如果不是 main verb,便是 auxiliary verb

I stand. (stand 主動詞)

I am standing now. (進行時態)
這句 ”動詞詞组” 是 is standing
standing 是主動詞, am 是助動詞
這句 ”動詞詞组” 由助動詞和主動詞組成

助動詞又可以分為三類:(Primary, Modal, Semi-auxiliary)
(1)基本助動詞 (Primary Auxiliary)
有三個 be,do,have
be 有 be, is, am, are, was, were, being, been
do有 do, does, did
have 有 have, has, had
這三個詞的主要功能是协助 main verb 構成進行體,完成體,完成進行體和被動態,在構成否定句或疑問句时充當操作詞

He has left. (現在完成式)
He was robbed. ( passive voice 被動態)
I do not smoke. (否定句)
Do you smoke? (疑問句)

(2) 情態助動詞 (Modal Auxiliary)
can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must
You may go. (may 是 modal)

be able to, be about to, is going to, have to, used to, ought to, dare to, need to …
You have to go. (have to 是半助動詞)

be, do have 除了做助動詞,還可做主動詞,故它們又稱 primary verb
He has a car. (has ~ 主動詞)
He was a teacher. (was ~主動詞)
參考: Oxford Dictionary of Grammar; Cambridge Grammar of English
2016-12-13 6:31 pm
Semi Auxiliary Verbs

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