英國A level 煩惱

2013-07-28 5:48 pm
1. 我搞唔清咩係gce 同 alevel
2. alevel 要點考,係咪唔應該考a2, 好似話as a2 一齊考係會減低入大學機會??點解?
3. 咁international student (hk 應該係要考gce 定 alevel 入大學
4. 要考as +a2 係咪即係一科要考2次?
5.入好既英國大學應該用gce alevel (我一定要用dse 做final apply 因為我學校逼我讀我只可以自修。 咁我係要自修 gce 定alevel 做大學 15 october 之前既reference? (如果gse 既話我考唔到 8 科, 有危險)

回答 (2)

2013-07-30 1:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. 我搞唔清咩係gce 同 alevel

>> gce alevel 同英國高考, 而唔係2樣野黎既, 英國既學生係用佢同埋gcse 黎apply 英國既大學, 而同時亦有學生會有佢黎apply non jupas 番hk 既大學.
2. alevel 要點考,係咪唔應該考a2, 好似話as a2 一齊考係會減低入大學機會??點解?

>> gce a-level好多時係分2年考, 第一年考既係gce as level, 第2年考既係gce a2 level, 而as + a2 先係一個完整既gce a level. 如果2個一齊考, 機會可能會冇咁好, 因為好多時學生都係考完個as, 俾as 個成績俾大學睇, 咁大學base on 你個as 成績去睇下俾唔俾offer/interview 你既, 如果你2個試一齊考, 咁變左大學果邊冇左你個reference 成績, 咁會難d 出interview/offer 俾你的.
3. 咁international student (hk 應該係要考gce 定 alevel 入大學

>> 睇你係入邊度既大學, 英國既話, 最好用gcse + gce, 而如果係想入hk 大學, 其實用dse 都已經可以, 唔駛特登咁考gce, 因為non jupas 都唔係咁易入的.
4. 要考as +a2 係咪即係一科要考2次?

>> 唔係, 一科有6份paper, as 考3份, a2考埋剩低果3份.

5.我一定要用dse 做final apply 因為我學校逼我讀我只可以自修。 咁我係要自修 gce 定alevel 做大學 15 october 之前既reference? (如果gse 既話我考唔到 8 科, 有危險) 我想入好既大學

>> 如果你已經諗住係用dse 去apply 英國大學, 咁no point 去考gce, 因為offer 只會base on either 你既dse 又或是你既gce 成績, 唔會話一個combination of offer, 同時你仲要考ielts, 會好多野要讀既,而同時, 唔一定要係10月15前submit既, 10月15 係俾果d apply oxbridge 既人apply 既, 如果唔apply oxbirdge 既話, 10月15號之後先submit 都可以. 而gce 考4科就可以, 8科果個係gcse, which你而家呢個situation 再考已經黎唔切了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2013-07-28 11:11 pm
1. GCE A-Level is the entire name of the exam. They are not separate.

In the past, GCE has 2 levels; O-Level (Ordinary) and A-Level (Advanced; AS Level is included into A-Level).

GCE O-Level has been replaced to GCSE.

In a simple way to understand, GCE O-Level/GCSE=HKCEE; GCE A-Level=HKALE.

2. Each university and major will have its own requirements.

3. You can choose GCSE+GCE A-Level or HKDSE.

4. No - it means you need 2 A-level subjects and 1 AS-Level subject.

5. Take IELTS or TOEFL first. It is up to you to take HKDSE or not.

2013-07-29 13:25:47 補充:
You do not need additional opinions.

What you need is understand the difference between GCE A-Level/HKALE and HKDSE.

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