do they love me or not?

2013-07-27 11:10 am
i have a boy friend, he loves me a lot . 2 wreks ago i met this guy online and he asked me out. we met and his friend was there too. we drank beer and wine. i went to his home, and we ended up having threesome that night, both of them ejaculated inside me. since then we have been having sex 3 times a week. i asked if they like me and theysaid yes and i dont know if i should break up with my boyfriend. he loves me a lot and he even put me as beneficiary for his insurance, he also let me own half of his house. he cooked for me all the time. when i am sick, he will take day off to take care of me. i am confused. these 2 online guys said like me too but we only see each other 2 times a week, have sex for 2 hours and then they leave to meet their girlfriend s. if they said they like me, why wuld they have girlfriends? when we meet, we don't talk and we just have sex, ejaculate, and leave without saying anything at all. i don't know if i should break up with my current boyfriend and stay with my new boyfriends, or i should break up with these two guys but i don't want them feel sad too. i do really love my curreny boyfriend more than these two guys. what should i do? i know this is a tough decision

回答 (6)

2013-07-27 11:30 am
you have BIG issues.
these 2 guys arent your "boyfriends" they are 2 dudes that are screwing you.
you dont talk, you dont just hand out, you dont go anywhere, and they have GFs.
THAT is not a relationship.
that is just SEX, not safe sex either I assume, going by your actions.
your just an extra to them, nothing more, your just something they do, not wsomeone they love.
theyarent going to break up with thier girls, just so they can be with you.
that is absurd.
you dont know about people until you handoutiwh thyem and do other normal daily liviing things with them.
you know nothing about them, you only know what they tell you, and that may all be lies.
heres the other thing, you guy, sounds like a great guy, and i feel really osrry for him, he goes to wrk gives you oney, 1/2 the house and your cheating on hi, you dont get tell him, just toe GET RID OF YOUR GUILT.
you get to SUFFER with any guilt, becasue you deserve too.
when these 2 losers your hanging out with get tired or you, they will dump you, then they will probabaly start talking about you onlione too.
yea good job.
you should be proud of yourself.
exploring your sexuality is fine, but you dont do it when another persons felling orlife could be shattered.

beleive me, these 2 losers wont feel sad, they will just meet someother floosie at a bar and do it all over again.
girls like you are easy to find, dont flatter yourself.
i think you need to get emotional help.
youve got some problems, and if you dont want to be ina relationship, with your BF then dont.
but dump him for these dudes, they arent worth it. this will play itself out soon.
it cant go anywhere/
what your all gonna live together and be happily ever after / ya think so?
2013-07-27 11:34 am
Do ask yourself, do you love your boyfriend? Do you truly love him? If you say yes, you truly love your current boyfriend, then why did you went to meet this guy that you know through online? If you love your boyfriend, shouldn't that be a no no?
From my point of view, the two guys that you met, just uses you as their sex toy. If not, like what you say, would they have girlfriends? Are you going to make their relationship with their girlfriends turn sour? Ask yourself, do you like these guys? Or do you like them just because they give you sex services? Also, you say you don't know whether you should break up with these two guys, are you together with them? If you aren't, why would they be sad if you leave them? You have your boyfriend, they have their girlfriends, you all have your own lives and relationship. Your boyfriend really love you from what you have said. Not all guys will put their girlfriends as their beneficiary for their insurance, also letting you own half of his house. This shows how much he loves you. Be nice to him back :) All the best! <3
2013-07-27 11:18 am
If you really loved your current boyfriend you would have never cheated on him with the two guys you met online... and I hope they were checked they might have an STD. So I'd say you should tell your boyfriend what you've done and see what his reaction is...
參考: Ya shouldn't have cheated >:(
2013-07-27 11:17 am
They don't love you. They say they like you so that you will keep having sex. Idk if you should stay with your bf. Because you wouldn't have gone on that date if you were truly happy with your boyfriend. Just make the decision based on what you want and not about what they want. Just don't keep stringing all of them along.
2013-07-27 11:17 am
i think you should end it with them all.

1) the online guys are clearly using you for sex
2) you dont deserve the guy you're with
2013-07-27 11:15 am
You don't love your boyfriend at all.

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