
2013-07-28 5:29 am
Let f(x)=ax²+bx+c (a,b,c are real number)
f(x)=x is no real root
Prove that f(f(x))=x is also no real root

回答 (2)

2013-07-28 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For a=0
f(x)=bx+c=x is no real root.
(b-1)x=-c is no real root.
b=1,c is not equal 0.
so that f(f(x))-x is no real root .

For a>0
f(x) no real root, f(x)-x>0

For a<0
2013-07-28 9:37 am

Consider g(x) = f(x) - x.
Note that f is continuous, then g is continuous too.
f(x) = x has no real root, that is, g(x) = 0 has no real root.
g is continuous, that means (Case 1) g(x) always >0 or (Case 2) g(x) always <0.

Therefore, f(x) always >x or f(x) always < x.
This means, f(y)>y for all y or f(y)<y for all y.
Now, put y = f(x) for both cases.
Case 1:
f(f(x))>f(x) for all f(x) with f(x) always >x
Therefore, f(f(x))>f(x)>x for all x.
That is, f(f(x)) is NOT equal to x for all x.

Case 2:
f(f(x))<f(x) for all f(x) with f(x) always <x
Therefore, f(f(x))<f(x)<x for all x.
That is, f(f(x)) is NOT equal to x for all x.

Combining, f(f(x)) can never be x.
That is, f(f(x))=x has no real roots.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:36:51
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