Got an inheritance from Hong Kong?

2013-07-26 8:57 am
All i can say is the amount of money is astounding(I did my research with the bank and everything checks out). A bank in Hong Kong called me stating that my late uncle(they had the right guy) left me money in his Will. I have a few questions. I have no account with that bank. In what form will they transfer the funds to me? Cash? Wire transfer? Check?

Another thing. After I receive the funds lets say for example through a wire transfer and I was to wire half of that transfer to a relative in another country. how will federal taxes be applied to this via IRS.
I know about form 3520, but is that for what you just received or eventually end up with?

回答 (3)

2013-07-26 11:26 am
They would likely send you a check or wire transfer. When they tell you you have to pay X amount for the transfer and taxes, you'll know it's a scam.

No taxes, inheritances and gifts are not taxable to the reciever.
2013-07-26 4:46 pm
if this is a legitimate inheritance and the bank wire transfers the money to your local bank, the local bank is required to report transactions of $10K to the IRS
IRS will be notified of the transaction but is not taxable to you, because of Homeland Security large amounts will need to be reported as to source
( I personally am familiar with the Homeland Security limitations when I tried to transfer my investment in bonds to another financial institution and was delayed until they were assured of who I was)
2013-07-26 8:58 am
It's a scam. You cannot have money from an inheritance that is not in an account, and if it was in an account, you could transfer all of it to your account here in the USA with the press of a button.

BTW, banks do not call you to tell you that you have an inheritance. Whatever law firm was handing the account, either hired by the estate, or by the government, would contact you via another law firm in your own country, personally.

You do not receive phone calls that you are rich.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:55:32
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