
2013-07-27 7:15 am
1.破產記錄環聯信貸資料庫則最多保存八年自動銷除, 是由申請計或解除後開始計?

2. 環聯信貸資料庫與銀行中央記錄有什麼不同?

3.就算以前無欠債的銀行, 是否都能CHECK 到我有破產記錄?

4. 如果是的話, 是否永遠都有記錄(銀行)?


回答 (2)

2013-07-27 11:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. After discharge

2. TransUnion is a form of restrictive public record. With your consent (like your signature to a credit application), an institution can gather your financial information available at the database. You can also review the record.

Bank records are internal records. Only bank personnel are allowed to assess the record. Bank records can also contains non-financial information such as customers' rating (banks uses system to keep track of trouble-making customers).

3. No - unless that 8 years have not passed.

4. For the banks that subject to the bankruptcy, yes. Others, no.
2013-07-28 5:37 am
Gary 網友的意見正確!



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