relative clause--Who位置

2013-07-26 8:16 am
原句: Mary is a girl.
Mary is ten years old.

如果要將呢兩句combine做relative clause,
1. Mary, who is ten years old, is a girl.
2. Mary is a girl who is ten years old.


因為who正常應該跟MARY, 但係2又應該係答案..

回答 (4)

2013-07-26 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
沒錯,將這兩句 combine 起來,第 1 和第 2 句在文法上都是正確的,因此理論上兩句都是正確答案。


其實這跟句子所想強調的意思有很大的關係。通常在這些句子中,動詞(不是 relative clause 中的動詞,而是 SVO 句中的動詞)後面的部分就是句子所想強調的意思,可看看你提供的兩句:

1. Mary, who is ten years old, is a girl. (強調是個女生)
2. Mary is a girl who is ten years old. (強調是個十歲的女生)


Mary 是個普通得不能再普通的女生名字(一說到 Mary 就知道是女生),所以第 1 句便會重複強調了「 Mary 是個女生」這個已知的情報,不及第 2句有意義,因為第 2 句強調了新的情報「Mary 是十歲」,故此,在兩句都文法正確的情況下,一般練習都會選擇較有意義的一句(即第 1 句)作正確答案。



2013-07-26 02:10:47 補充:
打錯:一般練習都會選擇較有意義的一句(即第 【2】 句)作正確答案。

2013-07-26 02:21:47 補充:
當然,要判斷哪句較有意義,就真的是靠做多些 exercises 和看多些 examples 知道出題者對「有意義的」標準,做得多看得多就自然上手了,這也是為什麼要做 pastpaper 的原因之一。
參考: 自己
2013-07-29 8:06 pm
因為1. Mary, who is ten years old, is a girl.中''who is ten years old''喺外加的 用來形容Mary 只不過喺主句''Mary is a girl''上為Mary修飾; ''is a girl'' 當然喺講番Mary.
2.Mary is a girl who is ten years old.因 ''is'' 喺 相等意思 就如數學的''=''一樣
因此Mary = girl 所以形容girl就等於形容Mary
參考: 自己
2013-07-26 6:14 pm
I would agree that 2 is the correct answer.

This exercise is not about "Who的位置". It is about 'defining' or 'non-defining'. A defining clause gives essential information whereas a non-defining clause gives supplementary information.

The relative clause in 1 is non-defining whereas the one in 2 is defining.

In 1, the fact that 'who is ten years old' is taken as only supplementary information means we know who or which Mary we are talking about. If not, then it should be essential information. It is weird to tell people who know which Mary we are talking about that 'Mary is a girl'.

In real life, we would probably say 'Mary is a ten-year-old girl. It is a lot simpler and more straight forward that the two choices above, right? We use relative clause for a reason. We dont use a relative clause just to show that we know how to use one.
2013-07-26 8:59 am
Karen, 這是一個很好的語文問題。

第一句:"who is ten years old"是指Mary,"is a girl"也是指Mary。
第二句:"is a girl"是指Mary,但"is ten years old"是指girl。


A:Peter meets Jane who loves music.
B:Peter, who loves music, meets Jane.

你見到在這兩句中"loves music"的是不同人吧!

你發問的問題兩句也能解通,因為你的主句是 X is Y,所以relative clause指X或Y也沒有分別。

我相信解答到這裏都已經足夠,如果你興趣知多一些關於類似relative clause的subject, object問題,請看看:

在 ”Non-defining relative clauses" 這個section的
(Clause comes after the subject) 和(Clause comes after the object) 寫得很清楚。

2013-07-27 00:47:40 補充:
我認同 望月一都(Rex Capitis Mochizuki) 和 Raymond 的回覆。
參考: 老實說,我自己也想了一會兒 =P, My opinions

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