Is this contempt of court?

2013-07-26 5:15 am
The father of my kids bounces from place to place & woman to woman. He pretends to be a good dad to people who dont really know him. This last move with a co-worker,( bc he got the previous sugar momma evicted) ,made it to wear he couldn't keep the kids anymore he said until he found a place. I just found out today, that 4 weeks he has been lying & living with another wealthier, more family oriented woman! So as I'm lugging the 2&4 yr olds up the steps like I do every single day, it hits me that what he did may not b legal. Am I right & will this win me full custody?

回答 (3)

2013-07-26 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are you asking if it's legal for him to live where he chooses? If you are, yes it is.

However, if he is ordered to pay child support through the courts, he might have been directed to inform them and you of his changes of address any time he moves. You'd have to check with the child support people to find out.

It's not "illegal" to move and not tell the court, but it's a good idea to follow through with a change of address if that is what the court wants.
2013-07-26 12:44 pm
If it's not legal to live with a woman you are not married to, then half the men on the planet belong in jail. This is not illegal. It simply proves that his children are not his priority.
2013-07-26 12:19 pm
No that's not contempt. Contempt basically means you have pissed off the judge, usually be disrespect or disobedience.
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