Atheist: How do you EXPLAIN 'shroud of turin'?

2013-07-25 3:13 pm
Is there any logical argument against it?

"How is it possible that those sacred historians, who carefully related all the miracles that took place at Christ's death, should have omitted to mention one so remarkable as the likeness of the body of our Lord remaining on its wrapping sheet?" ~John Calvin

~I'm atheist..........Thanks to the bible~

回答 (14)

2013-07-25 3:15 pm
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Explain what exactly? It's a really well done and awesome piece of Medieval art.

Edit: Hey Shroud guy...Maybe you should read "John's account" again, because Simon Peter saw "the strips of linen" as well as "the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head...lying separate from the linen". In other words, it was NOT one piece of material.
2013-07-25 10:16 pm
Yes, there are many logical arguments. Here's the best one:

Even IF we could prove it came from the 1st century (which it didn't), it still wouldn't prove that Jesus rose from the dead or was the son of God. So congrats, best case scenario you have a shroud from the 1st century that didn't rot completely. Its existence does not demonstrate anything supernatural.

Again, that's if we hadn't already proved that it was a hoax.
2013-07-25 10:16 pm
Christian: It's fake. The Bible says Jesus head was wrapped in a separate cloth, which was laid up apart from the others when he resurrected.
2013-07-25 10:16 pm
it was a painting, not an actual shroud. The facial dimensions are off completely. the bone structure, if it came from a human face, would be that of a monstrous hideousness that only could exist if his head developed in a vice.
2013-07-25 10:20 pm
I have no argument against it. It is a sheet that was thought to have originated in the 12th/13th century - long after Jesus was supposedly crucified.
參考: I think therefore I am Atheist.
2013-07-25 10:16 pm
The Image of Edessa--5th century

The image on the Hungarian Pray Codex--12th century

The narrative according to the Gospel of John describing the cloth--1st century

All of these are evidence the Shroud is the cloth that wrapped Jesus Christ in the tomb.

These were all descriptions of the same thing
2013-07-25 10:49 pm
I think the shroud is probably true but it doesn't effect my faith one way or another.

impossible that it was a painting. atheist go out of their way to try to come up with some unheard of method it was done by to fool? some 20th century scientists?

the fire that torched some of it contaminated the carbon dating on it to the year of that fire.
2013-07-25 10:23 pm
I don't.

I've read something about it recently and to be blunt, some of it stinks of pious fraud. I am not going to dig any further into that welter of claims and counter claims. The shroud guy has posted stuff on here which is the direct opposite of evidence published around 20 years ago. Somebody's lying and I'm pretty sure which side.

I would not believe anything posted on this site about it by him in particular.
2013-07-25 10:19 pm
Nothing logical about religion; so you're an Atheist thanks to the bible (like so many of us)... so now you see, the bible IS good for something... even though just that ONE thing. lol.
2013-07-25 10:18 pm
We do not have t explain anything. Prove to me that it's the result of a miracle, and we'll talk. Until then, it's a medieval work of artifice.

Calvin does have a point.

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