
2013-07-25 7:31 pm









重新思考?? 怎麼說???


忘了說 有些是小段小段的說明而已 不是禕連串的文章= =...貼過來沒注意到那些格式沒有過來 不好意思 說明02裡面 有空行的,是不同部分的說明,並不是一整篇...不好意思


設計說明02 柱子在白天不只承載著地表衍生的地面,同時也在柱子上裝置了太陽能板,儲存能源,到了夜晚柱子本身也局部的在外表裝置了照明燈具,並使用白天所收集的能源為主。 而照明系統的配置隨著地形不規則而有高低不同的配置,讓園區內的燈光效果產生光線跳耀的律動感,並在燈具上裝置了感應器,隨著天候及周圍的人數多寡,自動調整亮度,節省不必要的浪費。 空間也因為摺版產生了大與小的空間,讓不同的生物可以在此活動,讓人、動物、自然產生更多的互動。 小說明 01、透過摺,產生更多的空間。 02、保留著視覺與風的穿透與流通。 03、地面的衍生,讓我們行走時猶如行走在大地之上,走進自然。



回答 (4)

2013-07-25 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Design Note 01
Taipei's population is increasing, more and more crowded space so that the horizontal space slowly being filled, but also because the space has reached saturation Taipei, of course, the natural environment gradually farther and farther away from us, so that we in touch with nature fewer opportunities, only let us into the nature park, and I combine city and nature through the core, breaking the past, we flattened the park concept, the concept of starting from the vertical, because the vertical space is unlimited extension, so the concept of vertical greening up the space extension, Let the earth derived from another ground, like the concept of origami, folded over will naturally have another generation of space, space is not being generated layer The cut is very natural link another ground, let us walk in the park unknowingly walked the park on top, making a perfect combination of natural and man-made, let us land in the same area so that more Natural intervene in this park, and the pillars of the park within the park not only by carrying boards, peripherals wrapped solar panels absorb solar energy during the day to provide night lighting within the park, to achieve maximum space and the efficient use of clean energy, and more Green makes the air more clean, and let us return to nature and the nature of life, in order to complement the concept of vertical greening and greening urban land shortage problem, prompting people, people and communication and interaction between nature and improve urban air pollution and the lack of green issues, and starting a new form of urban parks, linked by a simple staggered board, so that we naturally produce more dialogue and interaction.

設計說明02的翻譯因字數限制關係,email to to my email address:
[email protected], 給我,俟翻譯完成後再回函給你‧

2013-07-25 16:11:24 補充:

2013-07-25 18:23:47 補充:

2013-07-25 18:44:48 補充:
email to me: [email protected].
參考: me + google + revised, me, me, me
2013-07-26 2:36 am
拍謝= =、複製時沒注意到有東西沒進來...02下面,是有很多小說名,只是本來用數字分類的複製到這邊沒抓到,導致02後面不能判讀
2013-07-25 9:59 pm
2013-07-25 9:46 pm
Design note 01Taipei population increasingly increased, space increasingly crowded, make level of space slowly of was filled, also because Taipei City of space has reached saturation, natural environment of course also gradually of distance we increasingly far, make we contact natural of opportunities increasingly less, only left Park let we walked into natural in the, and I take with city and natural combined for core, break past we for Park plane of of concept, from vertical of concept departure, because vertical space is can unlimited of extends, So by vertical greening of concept will space to Shang of extends, let Earth derivative out addition of ground, as if origami of concept, fold had will is natural to has another space of produced, produced of space is not was layer by cutting, is is natural of links addition of ground, let we in Park within walking Shi unconsciously of go to park of most upper, make natural and artificial perfect of combined, let we in same of land area Shang make more of natural intervention this park, and Park within of pillars not only take contains with Park within of Board, Perimeter package with solar Board, day absorption solar, provides Park within of night lighting, reached space and clean can maximum of using benefits, and the more of green makes air more clean, and let we return natural and life of nature, to vertical greening of concept filled city land and green insufficient of problem, led people and people, and people and natural Zhijian of communication and interactive, improve city in the air pollution and missing green plants of problem, and to City Park of new form departure, through simple of Board staggered links, We generate more dialogue and interaction with nature.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 20:28:51
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