What is subject, form and composition?

2013-07-24 8:26 am
If I am talking about a painting, what is the subject of the painting?
how do I describe the forms and shapes I see. And, how do I describe the composition.
Also, what is the medium and media?

if you don't know all the answers for the above questions, please try and answer the one you know, thank you very much

回答 (1)

2013-07-24 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
A composition is the arrangement of visual elements in a picture, the layout of the page.

The subject of a painting would be, what it's of.

A medium is what you use to draw, such as; pencil, water colour, oil pastels etc.
The media is basically the same as the medium.

When describing the shapes you see...just literally write down what you see.

Hope this helps! :)
參考: My brain :-)

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