
2013-07-25 7:14 am


回答 (1)

2013-07-25 5:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Les MiserablesLes Miserables is to France as the background story of the great revolution. leads Shang Wanqiang stole a loaf of bread for their families. after 19 years imprisonment. hell of a life has not ended. " Charges are not clear, "prison guard Javi sees him as enemy at the time. even though the Shang Wanqiang parole. charges but is still not clear. in case after father. determined to back. therefore disappear. but after he unveiled the truth. begin to live a life on the run.At this point in the slums, extrusions and a lot of the ideas of the revolution, it was the most intense part, many people free. equal and come forward to fight, unfortunately, is still no match for the military a powerful force, but everyone's sacrifice was not in vain.Contemporary of dark life is order I most impression deep of. leads Ke Saite and he of mother, in huge of debt Xia pain life, at this time encountered has Shang Wanqiang, life therefore appeared has transition, but also therefore let I deep of experience to, then life of hardship and poles of "rich who more rich, poverty who more poverty" Although results is has revolution failed ended, leads and most revolutionaries also left has world, but in last leads have serene in the, sad also into has joy, sad of atmosphere also no longer so of strong has.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:18:58
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