A rainbow coming out of my head?

2013-07-23 11:26 pm
I went to a spiritualist church the other week and the channeller said I had a rainbow coming out of my head amongst other things. He said it was good but I've yet to know what this means.does anybody know please? I'm not interested in people answering this if they don't believe in these things or sarcastic answers. Many thanks.

Thank Leanne but he wasn't referring to my aura or he would've said. Thanks for a sensible answer though.



回答 (12)

2013-07-24 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
I believe that some people have the gift of being able to see ghosts and talk to the spirits, unfortunately I am not one of them. I would have dearly loved to have talked to my wife after she passed over to the spirit world and would stand at the bottom of the stairs and call her name but never got a reply. I may have got a reply if I had the gift that I beleave you have.
My current lady friend has the gift and often talks to the departed, she also attends a spiritualist church. There are many things that we don't understand about this world or the next, but I am convinced there is a next. Is there a God? I'm not so sure, only that there is an afterlife that few of us can see into, like you can, if not now, in the future.
2013-07-26 1:08 pm
Wear a hat!

Case solved~
2013-07-24 9:32 am
Many people use different words to describe aura and it was the mediums way of simply describing your own personal rather lovely aura.
2013-07-24 7:48 am
It obv means you're gay...
2013-07-24 7:24 am
It must mean the vibration of your crown chakra has risen so much that it is affecting the diffraction of light around your head!!!
2013-07-24 8:41 am
It means promise.....to remember the promise God shows us a rainbow, after it rains, that He would never flood the earth again of 40 days and nights.....means something to do with this effect.
2013-07-24 6:35 am
LOL. I think the medium was referring to your aura, an energy field that surrounds the body and sensitive psychic people can sometimes see it and the colours it contains. Rainbow colours, ie the complete spectrum, would indicate a positive well balanced person and being around the head area would suggest that you have creative thought. Nothing to worry about !
2013-07-24 6:44 am
channeler's in churches prove that the religion is false..you're wasting your time and money by going to that one..here's a tip for ya..if your church breaks the second commandment by displaying a cross, you can know for certain it is out of Gods favor..He said "If you break ONE of my commandments you have broken them all". Get out..big trouble is coming to all false religion and its coming fast.
2013-07-24 6:42 pm
I think it's your aura. You'd need an interpreter to tell you what the colors mean, but to have that kind of aura is pretty good.
2013-07-24 1:07 pm
Well, the top of the head is widely regarded as the crown chakra and whatever comes out of or goes into it is indicative of your relationship to the eternal spiritual realm (i.e., God and the kingdom of heaven in the Christian tradition). Again, to go back to the Christian tradition, the rainbow symbolizes God's promise never to send the flood to destroy humanity again, so it is indicative of hope in that sense, that you are a source of hope, since the rainbow comes from you.

Still, I think you would do well to enquire of the channeller as to the meaning of this vision. Seeing is a like Dreaming, where what is Seen is best understood in the personal symbols of the Seer/Dreamer.

Are you reluctant to speak to the person again? I can understand that. I had some very amazing people approach me with spiritual pronouncements when I was young and I felt threatened because they held ideas outside my belief system. 30 years later, I regret not engaging in dialog with them.

Of course, being open creates a risk of being drawn in to something unwholesome. You have to trust your judgement on that: if you feel too vulnerable to speak with the channeller, then don't.
2013-07-24 10:34 am
The rainbow body perhaps, or the aura in its unified form.
2013-07-24 6:51 am
Im not sure, you should have asked him. Most will say the aura, but it could also be energy thats coming to you or from you....where you feeling very energetic that day...high energy levels...creative ideas...anything that would have raised your energetic vibrational frequency?

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