有關美國西雅圖Community College一問!!!!

2013-07-23 11:28 pm
我想請問一下咁多位師兄邊間Community College會比較好?

Shoreline Community College
green river community college
everett community college
highline community college
Edmonds community college


同埋請問一下如果我讀完2年既community college

唔該咁多位師兄 ^^

但係我諗住讀完2年既community college就番番黎 因為家庭財力有限 應該冇咩機會再上第3年,第4年 咁樣只係讀2年既community college係唔係都會比HD,ASSO呢D比較易入呢? THX~

回答 (3)

2013-07-25 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Shoreline Community College
green river community college
everett community college
highline community college
Edmonds community college
都是差不多,但宜選華人較少的,據知green river community college近年華人學生較多,Shoreline Community College和everett community college則一般基礎科目及飛機工程較佳,其他二間則不清楚.每間的學費收費都有些不同,可向升學公司了解.
2013-07-24 6:06 am
Community College 資料大全 (新加:會考廿幾分選擇+高中資料)

2013-07-24 12:35 am
1. All community colleges are the same. You will not have any advantages or disadvantages for choosing a particular one.

2. Non-JUPAS can admit students at any time. So in theory, if you are accepted, you can come back at any time.

The issue is due to the changes in education system, universities in Hong Kong may prefer you to have a Associate Degree.

2013-07-27 02:55:25 補充:
What you said is neither true or false.

Again - as it is a Non-JUPAS, universities are given a wide discretion on what to do.

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