How do I fill out a W-4 or W4 tax form?

2013-07-21 10:49 pm
I just got a new job. I have no kids, I am single, and I'm renting a room (not an apartment). I prefer to have more money (or just the right amount) taken out and withheld thus receiving a refund, RATHER than cutting a check every april 15th. Other information: I'm living and working in California. What should I have on line H and 5? Thanks!

回答 (4)

2013-07-22 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Put single, 2 allowances (2 on line 5) to come close. You'll either get a small refund or owe a little, probably under $100. If you want to be sure not to owe ANYthing, put 1.
2013-07-22 6:40 am
For line H and 5 "1" is safe but you very likely could get by with 2 allowances unless you are being paid very well.
2013-07-22 8:46 am
you can claim single 2 and be close to what your tax bill will eventually be
2013-07-22 6:36 am
What was the result when you did the attached worksheet?

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