Dear Fire Service Professional,
Back ground.
-There are 2 non-FSI generators located at 2 adjacent rooms, Genset Rm A and Genset Rm B.
-Each of the genset room is installed with individual Exhaust Fan, with flow rate 20000L/s.
-EAF-A for Genset Rm A, EAF-B for Genset Rm B
-These EAFs will operate when genset running.
-The exhaust louver for EAF-A is directly to outdoor, while there is a section of airduct connected to EAF-B running across the high level of Genset Rm A prior to the exhaust louver, at somewhere of EAF-A's exhaust louver is.
Q1, My question is if there is a fire alarm, should the above EAFs trip?
Q2 If the fire occur in Genset Rm A, should the above EAFs trip?
Q3 If the fire occur in Genset Rm B, should the above EAFs trip?
Thanks in advance.......