How to lose weight and get toned?

2013-07-20 5:47 pm
They say running/walking is the best. I've tried both of them before but my calves got thicker. I want to lose weight and get toned in general but I'd like to keep my legs slim especially my calves. I've seen a lot of before&after pictures, many of them have got amazing after-bodies but I've noticed their legs are thicker than what I want, I want skinny/lean/tone legs(Like the models?). Any suggestions? thanks!

回答 (1)

2013-07-20 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Start doin workouts! I do about three different ones I have one for my *** which is 20 squats, 20 plié squats, 20 donkey kicks each side, 20 fire hydrants( each side), 20 ludges (each side) , 20 side ludges (each side) 30 hip thrust.
Then I do one for my core which is 30 sec plank, 30 sec side plank ( each side 30 secs) 15 sit-ups, 15 crunches, 30 sec wall plank, 12 V - sit ups, 20 bicycles, 20 side twists, 20 siccor kicks.
3 TIMES A WEEK!! I'm not kidding I hurt myselffromgoing to hard.
These are things you can do up in your room by yourself ( which I did) or with friends, if you feel you can meet 20 reps or 30 seconds that's okay! Only go till the amount you feel comfortable! And it will get easier i promise! And once you find it to easy add 5-10 more reps/sec on to the counts! And if you want go to Pinterest look up any kind of work out ( core,***,legs,arms) it will probably have tons!
And don't forget to stretch first it really important!!

Also think about what your eating I used to eat pasta breads pretty much the worst things you could eat with working out and you could feel my abs but it was what I was eating, switch it out for something healthier or just better for you! :) you don't have to stop eating the foods you love but I used to eat allot and now I'm way better i get full faster and I'm not hungry all the time !! Hope it helps !!! :) good luck

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