Are Scorpio chicks hard to date?

2013-07-20 5:49 am
I'm a Scorpio & I don't date much, but when I do, I feel like the guys feel pressured by me or get super frustrated with me ... but I'm actually a really cool person ... idk why guys would rather give me the cold shoulder for a while than tell what their problem is -- maybe I just date idiots. Idk =/ Are Scorpios hard to date?! What do we do that drives people NUTS??? Lol.


回答 (9)

2013-07-20 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Scorpio's Planetary Ruler is Pluto which loves privacy and doesn't like to give out information about their personal history until they know that person can be trusted with that information. There is a spot-on streak of observing others and Scorpio usually find other people's weaknesses very quickly. This info comes in mighty handy if there should be a problem in a relationship because Scorpio knows how to really "sting" another when they are upset or threatened.

So you have a powerful nature and a strong stubborn will so yes, this does make Scorpio hard to date. I often say that Scorpio decides who is going to be their partner, not the other way around. Scorpio is very choosy and looks for honesty, loyalty, and trust. You don't want to jack with a Scorpio because of that Scorpion Stinger that can be deadly. It isn't good to "hide" things from a Scorpio because they WILL eventually find out another's "secrets" due to their psychic "gut feelings" which never let Scorpio down.

Guys probably get frustrated with you because Scorpios aren't easy to get to know due to that strong mistrust of others. It's tough to have to wait until Scorpio is ready to trust you. This can take years in both friendship and love. Scorpios just don't trust others. It is just their nature.

So how do you drive potential partners "nuts?" Well first not desiring to give another any personal information makes it hard to really get to know the True You. Scorpio wants to know ALL before they jump into a relationship and they ARE choosy. Most guys want a girl to open up and talk and keep the conversation going and Scorpio can do that. Scorpio just doesn't want to commit until they are completely sure there is a chance for a relationship to blossom. So guys often feel that they have to "extract" personal history from a Scorpio and the more the person tries to get to KNOW the Scorpio the less Scorpio wants to "share" that history.

Scorpio is a complex sign with much depth. Being an emotional water sign that is desiring to NOT be emotional is challenging. In life and in love too. So it takes much work for a guy to become Scorpio's partner and many do not measure up. Scorpio does not settle. You have to earn a Scorpio's love as it isn't given freely.

The frustration guys feel is the inability to get to know you quickly as many females jump into a relationship quickly but that just isn't Scorpio's style so that IS frustrating to a guy that is interested in you. And Scorpio females just don't hop from boyfriend to boyfriend either so again, this can be frustrated to a guy that is really hot for you and then finds out that you start out "cool" and very gradually begin to up the "heat." Picky Scorpio does not want to be a booty call. One must EARN Scorpio's love and trust and that takes time. And THAT is frustrating to a guy too!

But don't you change a thing because this observing and taking things slow helps you "weed out" the losers and find you a winner. At YOUR speed and YOUR timing too. So take your time. Don't worry about the "idiots" you have been dating because you want The Real Deal in Love and will not settle for less.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-07-20 5:58 am
Date a capricorn..

I've read that for they most part capricorn and scorpio are great for each other...

Talking to this girl right now she's a scorpio and my friends are Scorpios and my grandmother (who is my mother pretty much) is one as well

I think people have a problem with their possessiveness (I love it :D) it tells me that they care :)
2013-07-20 5:56 am
Very hard to know
Can be difficult
Emotional rollacoster ride for everyone around
2013-07-20 6:46 am
I think we are "hard to read." We frustrate people in that they can't tell what we are up to interest wise and as you know, us Scorpios like to linger in the attention (some would say this is playing hard to get) before they come on really strong.
參考: Scorpio Sun
2016-12-19 5:05 am
Scorpios Date
2016-03-16 12:43 pm
Youre a Scorpio Libra cusp and him a scorpio. So you would be the outgoing one, and him the homebody. btw end of last year and early jan, lots of relationships ended or suffered lots, so most people are lonely right now or going after someone. I know like Ten relationships that ended and my own too. back to u thiu He is ten years younger, so he might not feel comfortable in public with you. hes a scorpio he has ego. The chances are extremely low of this relationship working out, i know u dont want to hear this, but it is and u know it. Public image is important to leos, taurus, and scorpios. He may love you for you, but his ego is important also. He does what he does to keep himself happy, and you should let him do that. I know u hate the girls, but he needs them for an ego confiedence boost. Youre a scorpio, ur not the best at boosting confidence. So until u do learn to boost his confidence natually , hes going to need it from somewhere else. The second thing is face your fears, and dont let them take over you. Two fixed signs admire each other for what we do and go thru, so dont stop doing what u do that he liked about u in the first place. Dont relax too much in this relationship, unless ur very exhausted . Hes a winner and u r too, so keep being a winner and hold ur bad traits at bay. The bad traits causes fixed sign relationships to be destructive, i know this bwcause i attract fixeed signs, im scorp sag cusp. the first rhing they try to fix about me is my carefree attitude which they loved about me in the first place. So keep ur good stuff up front, and keep thw bad at bay, u have friends to hear the bad, and the good goes to him haha. This is the only way to make it work with fixed sign relationships, sacrafices make things worse so dont get too comfortable, and dont make huge sacrafices, youll lose your passion that he loves about u. Take him out yourself, go after him, give him space whdn he needs it, he needs to recharge himself like all fixed signs. If anything, this relationship ull never forget.
2015-12-31 8:22 pm
Yes. You cannot make mistakes with Scorpio women. Do not argue with them and do not feel like you are going to control the relationship. It doesn't matter if you "walked" on water or got them a cold drink in the desert. They will dump you in a flash. They are so intolerable. Great lovers though. I might be biased cause I just got dumped by one. She was a good partner though. She cooked, cleaned, and did everything to make me happy but I wasn't happy at the time so I hurt her. Make sure to be a confident, easy going, and loving guy and she will give you everything and then some.
2015-08-07 1:01 am
This Site Might Help You.

Are Scorpio chicks hard to date?
I'm a Scorpio & I don't date much, but when I do, I feel like the guys feel pressured by me or get super frustrated with me ... but I'm actually a really cool person ... idk why guys would rather give me the cold shoulder for a while than tell what their problem is -- maybe I just date...
參考: scorpio chicks hard date:
2013-07-21 12:23 am
I date a lot !!!! if I'm single and don't have someone I particularly interested though :)
but yeah, I date a lot and to me if that guy can't stand me then I'm moving on. he definitely cannot stand my inner depth if he can't even stand a simple date with me.

am I hard to date.......... YEAH.


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