Whats the big deal about Kate having a baby?

2013-07-19 5:52 pm
Every day all over the world people are having babies.What is it that makes this child special except for the fact that it will be born to royalty?What can it do that no other child can do?Don,t You think that in all reality the entire event is simply a made up event to impress the simple minded?

回答 (13)

2013-07-19 5:55 pm
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No big deal. I, for one, could care less about the "royal baby" (seriously, unless it's born with blue blood pumping through his/her veins, then there'll be nothing truly or legitimately remarkable about it). But, I digress. People just like to live vicariously through celebrities, that's all.

Edit: I do understand that being the future king or queen of England might be considered a big deal but, come on! Nowadays, being a British royal is more of a decorative title than it is a legitimate form of power. Hence, the baby will NOT be the future ruler of England; because the Royal Family doesn't run the country anymore. It's as simple as that.
2013-07-20 12:54 am
uh...the child she bears will probably one day rule England.

How many other babies born this month can say that?

NO it's not a made up even to impress the simple minded; it just matters more to some people than others. I've heard people make the same argument about the World cup, the Super Bowl......
2013-07-20 12:56 am
Whatever the gender of the child, it becomes the third in line for the throne and therefore will be King or Queen of England and the Commonwealth countries one day. That's a major responsibility that no other child has to face.

Besides - its the next step isn't it? Everyone went insane over the Royal Wedding.... Kate went from commoner (ish) to Princess in a day... now she's going to give birth to the 3rd in line to the throne.
2013-07-20 1:00 am
Well if you think it is an event made up to impress the simple minded then you must be simple minded.
2013-07-20 1:13 am
I agree with you, very intelligent thoughts. having royalty is wrong to me, I don't think anyone is better or above someone else, we're all just humans. I hate seeing people curtsy to the queen and was glad when Australian prime minister Julia Gillard didn't. I'm not impressed with William and Kate using taxpayers money to fix up their apartment, its like being on benefits or welfare. They say Kensington Palace is public property, but its not like the public can just go in whenever they feel like it and sit and watch the TV! and yeah, women give birth everyday, and certainly not all of them in fancy private hospitals. majority make do with the NHS, wonder why Wills and Kate aren't showing their support for the NHS by having their baby in one of those hospitals?
2013-07-20 1:00 am
because people are stupid. simple as that. fck royalty.
2013-07-20 12:54 am
Kate's the future Queen of England. Kind of a big deal to those people over there.
2013-07-20 1:51 am
This child will be the next in line to the throne after William! thats the big deal! whats more of a big deal for the very first time, it wont matter if the baby is a boy or girl, he/she will still take the throne after their father!! i love our royal family, hope youre not from the UK.
2013-07-20 1:41 am
There is no big deal about Kate having a baby and i don't get why people make it such a big deal. Being born into a royalty family does not mean they are special. There are loads of other children much more special than Kate's baby. I believe that no body is born royalty regardless of being a royalty child. Everyone is born the same and therefore should be treated the same.
2013-07-20 2:13 am
Whatever the gender of the baby they will be 3rd in line. It's a big deal to see equality winning over tradition.
2013-07-20 2:47 am
I personally don't care. The royal family is more a figurehead than anything and I have better things to do than obsess over a family and a child I never will meet and have no influence on my life.
2013-07-20 6:32 am
I am not a Royalist so it matters not a lot to me. However the fact that she is carrying the future King or Queen of England (not in my lifetime anyway) and the fact that she will give birth to such is quite exciting for some people.
We might all get a day off work for it, who knows.
2013-07-22 2:55 pm
I am sick of hearing about the royal family.
Living as royalty when the rest of us live in poverty.

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