
2013-07-19 10:01 pm
1.box 2.coke 3.fish 4.holly 5.library 6.photo 7.soap 8.tea
9.tooth 10.child 11.dream 12.glue 13.jam 14.milk 15.rice
16.soup 17.thief 18.watch



10.a bar of _soap_
11.a bowl of ___________
12.a can of __________
13.a carton of _________
14.a cup of __________
15.a jar of __________
16.a piece of __________
17.a tin of _________
18.a tube of ________


回答 (5)

2013-07-20 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
可數名詞:box fish library photo tooth child dream thief watch
1. boxes
2. fishes
3. libraries
4. photos
5. teeth
6. children
7. dreams
8. thieves
9. watches

不可數名詞:coke holly soap tea glue jam milk rice soup
10.a bar of soap
11.a bowl of rice
12.a can of coke
13.a carton of milk
14.a cup of soup
15.a jar of jam
16.a piece of holly
17.a tin of tea
18.a tube of glue

2013-07-20 05:48:57 補充:
a tin of tea - see here http://www.flickr.com/photos/borrominibear/4690072625/

2013-07-20 05:57:48 補充:
Godfrey's 意見 is correct that soup can be a (bowl, can, cup, tin) .
tea can be a (cup, can, tin) as well.
For this exercise, there can be more than one answer for the uncountable nouns.
14(a cup of soup) can be "a tin of soup", and 17(a tin of tea) can be "a cup of tea".

2013-07-20 16:43:39 補充:
I've clicked Google search and found the following:
"a cup of tea"about 152,000,000 results
"a cup of soup" about 3,610,000 results
"a tin of tea" about 8,310,000 results
"a tin of soup" about 16,900 results

2013-07-20 16:45:21 補充:
I would rule out "a tin of soup" because it is least commonly used, and stick to the answers of "14.a cup of soup" and "17.a tin of tea".

2013-07-20 16:51:24 補充:
Based on the number of results in Google search ("a cup of tea"about 152,000,000 ;"a cup of soup" about 3,610,000 ;"a tin of tea" about 8,310,000;"a tin of soup about 16,900), the use of "a tin of soup" is much much less than the other three collection nouns.

2013-07-20 16:53:51 補充:
I have therefore ruled out "a tin of soup" , and stuck to my answers of "14.a cup of soup" and "17.a tin of tea".

2013-07-21 05:50:32 補充:
Thank you Godfrey for the discussion. The collective nouns can/cup/tin can all be used with coke, soup and tea and should each be accepted as correct for the three uncountable nouns.

2013-07-21 05:56:36 補充:
For Yuen's exercise, however, if we write a cup of tea and a bowl of soup, we
have to use a can or a tin for rice, which is very strange. So I still think a cup of soup and a tin of tea, together with a bowl of rice and a can of coke are my best shot.

2013-07-21 06:04:02 補充:
On the other hand, if we use "a cup of tea, a bowl of soup " as Godfrey's意見009, we
have to also use a can or a tin for rice, which is very strange. So I still prefer my answer items - a cup of soup, a tin of tea, a bowl of rice and a can of coke - to the other answerers'.

2013-07-21 21:05:42 補充:
Godfrey is absolutely right. Cup, bowl and can are not collective nouns as such.
2013-07-25 5:01 am
Countable nouns : box fish library photo tooth child dream thief watch
1. watches
2. teeth
3. libraries
4. dreams
5. fishes
6. children
7. photos
8. thieves
9. boxes
Uncountable nouns : coke holly soap tea glue jam milk rice soup
10.a bar of soap
11.a bowl of rice
12.a can of coke
13.a carton of milk
14.a cup of soup
15.a jar of jam
16.a piece of holly
17.a tin of tea
18.a tube of glue
2013-07-20 4:19 am
a (bowl, can, cup, tin) of soup (其他 mug)
a cup of tea (其他 mug, pot)

Coke (countable, uncountable) = Coca Cola 可口可樂
coke (countable) = (1) 焦,焦炭 (2) cocaine ~ slang

下列名詞可以 countable 和 uncountable
fish (fish, fishes), holly (hollies), tea, soup, glue, jam, Coke

2013-07-20 10:05:16 補充:
其實回答者 001, 002, 003 答案都是對
應付考試, 我會選擇較普遍 (Jenkin 答案)

a cup of tea 一杯茶, a tin of tea 一罐茶葉
a tin of soup一罐頭湯, e.g. 金寶湯, a cup of soup 一杯湯

字典裡, a cup of tea, a bowl of soup, a tin of soap 較多

2013-07-20 23:26:28 補充:
From “Oxford Dictionary of Collocations”
….. of tea
cup, flask, mug, pot, Thermos

…... of soup
bowl,cup, mug, can,tin,pot

a tin of soup 是 British English, 故 Google result 低
在 Oxford, Longman, Macmillan, Collins Cobuilt 字典中,
有a tin of soup 做其中例子之一

2013-07-20 23:28:29 補充:
意I思A(知識長) :

閣下是博覽地跟據 Google result, 我只不過跟幾本字典列出例子
如果無限制, a cup of tea, a bowl of soup 最好
你是用心解答, 謝謝高見!

2013-07-21 20:34:42 補充:
No offence. I beg to differ.
Collective nouns refer to groups of people, animals or things e.g. audience, flock

Quantifying nouns are used to refer quantities.
e.g. cup, bowl, can ~ nouns for a type of container. They are not collective nouns.

2013-07-21 21:01:39 補充:
意I思A(知識長) :

“如果無限制, a cup of tea, a bowl of soup 最好”

Sorry 我說得不清楚
“如果無限制” 意思是 ~ 不用 matching, “a bowl of “ 可以自由用兩次
2013-07-20 12:27 am
1. boxes
2. fishes
3. libraries
4. photos
5. teeth
6. children
7. dreams
8. thieves
9. watches

10.a bar of soap
11.a bowl of rice
12.a can of coke
13.a carton of milk
14.a cup of tea
15.a jar of jam
16.a piece of holly
17.a tin of soup
18.a tube of glue
2013-07-19 10:36 pm
----To distinguish 18 English words as being separate or different between one and another:-----
(3)photos (photography)

(10)a bar of soap.
(11)a bowl of rice (not soup)
(16)fish (not rice)
(17)soup (not fish)

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