How far to transport a live-caught squirrel so he won't come back?

2013-07-18 8:43 pm
I've just caught a squirrel who has been noshing on my extension cords and insulation. How far away do I have to take him into the forest so he won't find his way back? (I live out in the country.)

回答 (4)

2013-07-19 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Transport him in a safe cage, maybe you have a doggie kennel transport or a cat transport but do it humanely. It's just a little wild animal who seems to have latched onto your home, he can't help himself. Make sure to take him about 20 miles away but put him in an area where there are no people close by, where there is WATER and TREES so he can find food and drink. DO NOT, FOR ANY REASON, TAKE HIM TO TOWN AS SOMEONE ELSE SUGGESTED. He has just as much of a right to exist as we do, so whatever you decide to do, do it in a humane manner ok!! Good Luck with your little pesky friend but he likes you I guess, that's why he hangs around or either he's found a good food source near your home or even at your home!! PLEASE BE HUMANE : )
參考: CMA, BVT. Work part time as a Surgical Vet. Tech
2013-07-19 6:02 am
Take him to town . Everyone in town are always taking things out in the country to let loose so take him back to town . That is where he, being a trouble maker, probably came from .
參考: That's just me
2013-07-19 4:00 am
They can travel a 10 mile radius from there home. Unless you know where it nests at then it would be safe to travel twenty miles away. They can travel up to 20 mph so a mile or two isn't far enough.
2013-07-19 3:47 am
You could eat it. Squirrel tastes ok. Be safe and go about 10 miles out. Also I'd make sure it can't see where you are driving it. If the cat in my source can travel 200 miles back to its home then you want to be damn sure this squirrel has no idea what roads you are taking.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 22:38:33
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