He sees me as a potential friend with benefits?

2013-07-18 5:40 am
So, I like this guy, when we first met he was really sweet, he seemed into a relationship at the time, but I just wasn't ready. I'd just gotten out of a bad one and didn't want to jump headfirst into another, so after a few days he started dating some other girl.

When I see them out together he doesn't look very into her, they're quite awkward and all.

Anyway, we started talking again, and he basically brought up that he wants to be friends with a level of physical affection, basically a friend with benefits. Now, we've never had sex, maybe made out a little before he started dating someone else.

And right now it seems all he views me as is a potential friend with benefits. How can I change this?
Or any experiences in this situation?

回答 (2)

2013-07-18 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't if he is in a relationship. That's horrible. My husband and I were fwb. We only wanted sex. We met on a hook up site called fling. Our first date was his after deployment ball. That was also the night he told me he loves me for the first time. Now we are deeply in love, married, and have 3 beautiful kids together. Only when he is single then pursue this and him. Sex leads to some type of feelings no matter what. If you 2 are meant to be then you will when the timing is right. Stay positive and strong. Good luck.
2013-07-18 12:47 pm
Okay. Listen. You HAVE to believe a guy when he tells you what he wants. Guys literally almost never will want to make you from a friends with benefits to a girlfriend, especially when the guy lays out the lines for this in the first place. If you want to go for it, obviously that's your decision, we all have to make mistakes to learn. But the truth is (the short answer) is that if he wasn't into you enough to make you his gf and then asks you to be a FWB, then it is very, very unlikely he will change his mind. Trust me I've been in the same situation.

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