Why can't i get a job?

2013-07-18 1:53 am
I'm a 16 year old boy and i've been trying to get a job for almost a year. I fill out the applications to the best of my ability and i give them a resume I made.Well I have applied at almost all of the places near me and i had a few interviews and for some reason i can't get a job. Personally I think that its either because I'm 16 or that i never had a job. The places I have been targeting are fast food and retail. Is there anything else I can do to increase my odds of getting hired

回答 (2)

2013-07-18 2:13 am
got a library somewhere in 30 miles?

find and got there.
get books on age correct ways to create
an income with out a job.

jobs at your age are like unicorns.
they exists , just not where u at.

yes in many places there are 100s of 18 yr old
to get employed b4 u.
參考: employer
2013-07-18 2:08 am
You need experience,possibly your age, presentation . Being sixteen I suggest doing lawns everyweek week for 15 a house get about 8 to 10 house a week.and charge extra for bigger lawns,charge for junk haul you'll be amazed how many lazy phucks don't pull weeds. Alot of teens here where I live cut everybody's lawns. Theirs always ways to make money.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:54:19
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