✔ 最佳答案
If I made a Tat, I would use half the money in Malaysia, Brazil and other developing countries, including a focus on technology to build a school. In this school, the specialized training of IT personnel to accompany, to accelerate the development of technology. I will use the remaining money to buy a lot of shops and buildings for investment.
Benefits: building schools can explore more and more talent, accelerate technology and development.
Cons: excessive trading shops and buildings, shops and buildings in the market value does not increase.
If I suddenly and Tat I would want to do, the first will take the tenth donated to nursing homes, orphanages or other charitable institutions, after buying a place to build a house with roof there are seven, there are elevator and staircases, underground shops that layer half, the other half is used as parking places, on the second floor can be rented out to someone else live on the third floor to the roof is a family-occupied, then buy seven cars, a Mercedes and two Taipower cycling. If the money back, they would go around the world, including Antarctica and the Arctic.
Benefits: think back to the community, to help people in need of society. There can build houses to increase employment.
Cons: You have to prepare well for the family, do not work. Already have car floor, and these do not work and the money or will make a correct concept of family has changed. May lead to family duties, Qi swimmers busy day.
Buy more cars, will make air pollution worse.
For faculties me, I want to open a financial investment company, all employees who are successful career, to help more people get rich, will then emigrated to enjoy the rural life Zealand.
Benefits: You can help more people to community
Cons: Link young before retirement, too wasteful.