
2013-07-17 8:13 pm

我只是想身你說,我還記得你說過我休學之後,就是XXX's time(XXX是對方的名字,意思就是我休學之後的時間都是他的),其實不只這個("這個"是指上面那句話),我仍記得你說過的每一句話。和你在一起的每一秒都很快樂很幸福,非常謝謝你給我一段這麼美好的初戀,就像一場夢,我永遠都不會忘記。
你在台灣的日子還有很長,在未來如果你需要我或想見我,任何時候都可以跟我說,因為我的時間就是XXX's time!!!!!!

小雞~很幸福很快樂就直接翻成very happy very happy??






it seems that you don't feel like having anything to do with me indeed.是這樣嗎?這句話會不會感覺太衝?謝謝Cake哦 神人




謝謝Cake和河小豚:) 你們都幫了我一個大忙

回答 (6)

2013-07-17 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
→You blocked me on Facebook... it seems that you are unwilling to have anything to do with me indeed, but that's okay for me, since it's your freedom to do so.

我只是想身你說,我還記得你說過我休學之後,就是XXX's time(XXX是對方的名字,意思就是我休學之後的時間都是他的),其實不只這個("這個"是指上面那句話),我仍記得你說過的每一句話。和你在一起的每一秒都很快樂很幸福,非常謝謝你給我一段這麼美好的初戀,就像一場夢,我永遠都不會忘記。
→I just want to tell you that, I remember saying that ever since I dropped out from school, I would devote all my time to you, XXX. This is not all, though; in fact, I can still recall every single word that you said. Each moment spent with you had made me so happy and delighted, and I am so grateful that you were the my first love. Thank you for all you have given me; our love is just like a dream that I will never forget for my life.

你在台灣的日子還有很長,在未來如果你需要我或想見我,任何時候都可以跟我說,因為我的時間就是XXX's time!!!!!!
→You'll still be staying in Taiwan for a lengthy period of time, so if you ever need me or want to meet me, feel free to inform me, since I'm willing to accompany you at anytime! Hope God will grant us the opportunity to meet again:)


2013-07-17 14:22:37 補充:
it seems that you are unwilling to have anything to do with me indeed
→are unwilling to改成don't want to 或don't feel like(如果用這個,後面的to have要改成having)

2013-07-17 14:23:44 補充:
You'll still be staying in Taiwan for a lengthy period of time
→You'll still be staying in Taiwan for quite a long time

2013-07-17 14:24:52 補充:
feel free to inform me
→feel free to call/tell me

2013-07-17 14:26:39 補充:
since I'm willing to accompany you at anytime
→since I'm willing to be with you at anytime
Hope God will grant us the opportunity to meet again:)
→Hope God will allow us to meet again:)

2013-07-17 14:34:58 補充:
it seems that maybe you are determined to put an end to our relationship

2013-07-17 14:39:40 補充:

2013-07-19 15:11:24 補充:
since it's your freedom to do so.可改since you're free to do so

2013-07-19 15:14:15 補充:
我的字數爆了,只好改放意見: I remember saying that ever since I dropped out from school, I would devote all my time to you, XXX.這句的中文當時漏看"你",所以改:I remember vividly of you saying that my time would belong to you after I dropped out from school.

2013-07-19 15:14:31 補充:
參考: 自己翻的, 字數爆了,等一下, 其他應該還好, 剛漏掉了, 過獎了:)
2013-07-20 2:17 am
2013-07-19 6:55 pm
Hi, Linda. 參考看看這樣寫是否好一些。括號內的文字是妳的說明,所以不翻。

我只是想身你說,我還記得你說過我休學之後,就是XXX's time(XXX是對方的名字,意思就是我休學之後的時間都是他的),其實不只這個("這個"是指上面那句話),我仍記得你說過的每一句話。和你在一起的每一秒都很快樂很幸福,非常謝謝你給我一段這麼美好的初戀,就像一場夢,我永遠都不會忘記。
你在台灣的日子還有很長,在未來如果你需要我或想見我,任何時候都可以跟我說,因為我的時間就是XXX's time!!!!!!

You blocked me on Facebook. Seems you really don't want to have any contact with me. It's OK with me. That's your free choice.
What I want to tell you is that I remember you said that after I dropped out, my time would belong to you. Yet, more than that, I still can recall every word you said. Every single second with you brought me happiness. Thank you for giving me such wonderful days of first love. Although it's just like a dream, I'll never forget.
You still have long days to stay in Taiwan. If you need me or want to see me someday in the future, you are free to tell me because my time is yours. I pray to God to give us a chance to meet again.
參考: 二十五年應語文教學經驗
2013-07-19 9:14 am
2013-07-18 8:18 pm
You blocked me (is the embargo on FB) ... Seems you really don't want to have any contact with me, but that's OK it's your freedom!I just wanted to say, I remember you said after I dropped out, is XXX's time (XXX is the name of the other, he meant after I dropped out of the time), in fact, not only this ("this" refers to the sentence above), I still remember every word you said. Every second and you are very happy, very happy, thank you very much for a lovely first love, is like a dream, I will never forget.You in Taiwan still has a long, or want to see me in the future if you need me, can tell me any time, because my time is XXX's time!!!!!!Expect God to let us meet again:)
2013-07-17 8:36 pm
You blocked me (is blocked on FB) ... It seems that you really do not want to have any contact with me, but that's okay, this is your freedom!
I just want to own you, I remember you said I dropped that XXX's time (XXX is the name of the other party, meaning that all the time after I dropped him), in fact, not only this ("this" refers to the above that sentence), I still remember every word you said. With you every second of very happy very happy, Thank you for giving me such a wonderful love, like a dream, and I will never forget.
In Taiwan, you have a long day in the future if you need me or see me, any time you can tell me, because my time is XXX's time!!!!!!
Expect God to allow us to meet again :)

2013-07-18 09:48:06 補充:
參考: 自己

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