Why Zimmerman needed to follow Trayvon Martin? Would he follow if Trayvon was a white kid on a hoody?

2013-07-17 2:27 am

回答 (16)

2013-07-17 2:28 am
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hey, libs, i am curious, why aren't you protesting that one of the first questions from the 911 operator that answered when zimmerman called about the suspicious person was to ask if the guy was black or hispanic?

isn't that racist? and if it is, isn't that actually a civil rights violation, since the 911 dispatcher worked for the government? why didn't she ask if the suspicious person was white?
2013-07-17 9:43 am
Almost all believe it was stupid for Zimmerman to get out of his vehicle and follow Trayvon on foot, he should have stayed in the vehicle and watch Trayvon from there.

It should be noted that Zimmerman's neighbor hood had a rash of burglaries over the months before the incident. This is why there was a neighborhood watch.

Did Zimmerman profile Trayvon, yes. The profile, was Trayvon was walking slowly giving it was rain and going from house-to-house, much as a robber would do when casing a neighborhood for a house to rob. (Note I did NOT say that it was Trayvon's intent to rob a house, that would be unfounded speculation, on my part). That was the profile Zimmerman used.

If you listed to the actually 911 call Zimmerman made, he was unsure of Trayvon race, only after the 911 operator asked for the race, did Zimmerman said "He looks black?" The highly EDITED version that NBC aired indicates that Zimmerman knew that Trayvon Martin as black. But that was not the case.
2013-07-17 9:37 am
He needed to follow TM so that the police could identify the suspect for further investigation. You don't let some criminal just wander off when the police are on the way, you FOLLOW the suspect and feed the information of last known location, direction and description to the police. Perfectly legal and often actually REQUESTED by the dispatchers ("Which way is he heading now?")

Since there is no particular reason to believe that a black kid in a hoodie is any less likely to be a criminal than a white kid in a hoodie, your question answers itself.

How about this one: If Zimm had been a 260-pound black guy, would Trayvon still have picked a fight?
2013-07-17 9:34 am
I have watched the trial since day 1. and they could not prove that Zimmerman killed martin out of ill will or out of spite. this was not racially motivated Zimmerman was a concerned citizen who was merely doing what he felt was right. the prosecutors had no Evidence that supports that Zimmerman was at ill will or killed martin out of hate. it was proven without a shout of doubt that martin was the aggressor and attacked Zimmerman and that it was Zimmerman screaming for help on the 911 tapes. martin was beating his head into the concrete it was martin who punched Zimmerman in the nose. martin had no defense wounds on him but 1 bullet. if this was out of hate Zimmerman would have sprayed bullets at him. and the NAACP want to claim that this was racially motivated when Zimmerman had not said 1 word to support that claim however, martin called Zimmerman a cracker to his friend in Miami. so if you ask me martin was racially motivated and attacked Zimmerman out of hate. and yes Zimmerman would have followed if martin was white
2013-07-17 9:35 am
Zimmerman was the Neighborhood Watch Commander. He should have followed anyone acting suspiciously, who didn't belong in the community. White, or black.
2013-07-18 9:23 am
To answer dispatch's questions about where Martin went.
2013-07-18 8:32 am
Zim would have followed anyone, regardless of ethnic background, who had no business being there in the first place. The race zealots are getting off on making this a race issue, perhaps maybe they enjoy it. The race card has been played so much it's worn out.
參考: Common sense.
2013-07-18 2:07 am
Yes he would have followed him, the same events would have occurred, and HOW COULD HE HAVE SEEN HIS SKIN COLOR IF IT WAS DARK OUT AND HE WAS WEARING A HOODIE? This is not a racial case, plain and simple. Is George zimmerman an idiot? Yes. Is he a cold hearted racist? No.
2013-07-17 11:38 am
Why did Trayvon Martin attack Zimmerman thinking he was gay
2013-07-17 10:45 pm
If he was a white guy, would you support his decision to murder Zimmerman? I'm thinking probably not.

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