who phoned me on 08452865109?

2013-07-16 5:42 pm
Someone keeps calling us on this number 08452865109. They cut the phone before we can answer, maybe so that we call them back. Does anyone know or had the same problem mainly with this number? We don't want to call strangers, we have kids.

回答 (5)

2013-07-16 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Its Bauer Media.
參考: Google Search
2013-07-17 12:43 am
you can complain to bt about the number here
2013-07-18 1:06 am
The call's probably not coming from that number, a lot of these nuisance callers use spoofed numbers so call backs don't block their outgoing line. If you subscribe to BT's choose to refuse that will block the real number
2013-07-17 2:38 am
Ignore them & they will go away.
2013-07-18 2:13 am
So stop crying about it, block the call and see who it is. Bill Collector maybe? Typically people don't screen calls unless there's a reason to.
2013-07-17 12:43 am
me lol

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