I was supposed to be born a Pisces?

2013-07-16 12:47 am
I was supposed to be born March 4th but instead I was born Feb 13th. My dad's a Capricorn and my mom's a Saggitarius. I think if I was a Pisces we would of been a whole lot happier. Why do you suppose I was born an Aquarius? I feel more like a Pisces anyhow. I'm super sensitive but awkward like an Aquarius so I don't have anyone by my side. It sucks going through phases and never knowing what you want and who you are. :(

回答 (5)

2013-07-16 4:23 am
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I understand. I too am Aquarius Sun but Pisces Energy tends to overwhelm the "Aquarius" in us. This actually happens to all Aquarius Suns due to "Progressions" that "move" our natal sun into the very next sign. Since you were born on the 13th, around age 6-8 is probably when you began to notice a "change" in your nature. Aquarius is very intellectual and impersonal while Pisces is extremely emotional, sensitive, and compassionate (something Aquarius often lacks). So this is where that "awkwardness" comes from...this progressed Pisces Energy.

I was 14 when my Aquarius Sun progressed into Pisces. I was still an Aquarius, always will be (you too), but when all that Pisces Energy started I went from "knowing everything to knowing nothing." This "spaced-out" Pisces Energy isn't anything like quick, "got an answer" Aquarius Energy. Aquarius is a much more confident sun sign than Pisces. Now for the good news.

Around age 36-38 your Progressed Pisces Sun will progress into ARIES and, believe it or not, you will begin looking for a fight. Not necessarily a physical fight, but Aries Energy requires battles. And leaving that Progressed Pisces "behind" feels wonderful. Confident. "Bring it." Aries is a strong independent energy and you will feel larger than life. This is a well-earned confidence after 30 years of being compassionate and finding your way in The Big Picture. Pisces does kind things. Do your best not to get side-tracked through escapism like drugs, food, tv, and/or scamming others. That's PIsces' Lesson. To treat others the way you would want to be treated. Love. Infinity. Evolving ones soul.Pisces is a heavy, karmic sign. Very psychic too as you absorb the emotions of others. So you know how people really "feel" which is PIsces' Gift.

Pisces has to "go with the flow" and you have to "let go" of things AND people that are not good for you. Watch behavior. Ignore "words" because people can say anything. Mastering this will make the next decade or two much easier on you. Let go of what is no longer good for you. You must LET GO.

Hope this is helpful for you. Pisces is a changeable water sign so don't swim against the tide as you will only wear yourself out. Avoid negative people like the plague. However you have to HELP the ones that actually HAVE the plague. See? Tricky stuff like that. Good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33 EDIT: Forgot to mention that we are ALL born the exact moment that we are supposed to be born. When we arrive on this planet and when we depart this planet is in the hands of our creator. So you were born exactly at the "correct" time. And believe me you have PLENTY of Pisces Energy. Imagine people with 5-6 planets in Pisces!
2013-07-16 10:33 am
It's possible that you WERE supposed to be born an Aquarius.
Because that's when you WERE born.

We all have our life lessons to work on.
You have yours, and it's shown in your birth chart.
They say we choose ahead of time what we are going to work on in each lifetime.
2013-07-16 8:01 am
First of all, you belong to more than one sign. You have a sun sign, which is Aquarius, but you also have a moon sign and an ascendant sign. 2nd, it's good ypu weren't born a Pisces, otherwise you and your mom would not get along at all. Pisces and Sagittarians are not compatible at all. Your mom would be too fiery and blunt for you to handle. And you would be all sensitive and overemotional. Luckily, you are an aquarius do you would get along with her. If you were a Pisces, you'd fight with her everyday and maybe even get an emancipation.
參考: Libra
2013-07-16 7:58 am
i am a pisces (march 3)--i am not trying to brag but dont tell yourself things like that. tell yourself that you were meant to be born as an aquarius and that everything happens for a reason. trust me, if you were a pisces, you wouldnt think that (youd be happier). you would think a lot differently. just be happy and thankful for what you have and what you will have. :)
2013-07-16 8:32 am
You are not, you are an Aquarius, some Pisces are similar to Aquarius, some are completely different.

I was supposed to be born in April instead, so I should have been an Aries, but got nothing in Aries.

Pisces has people by their side. I am sure your parents are by your side, it's just sometimes maybe they have other thoughts/worries, so they forget about you, but their worries are probably all focused on you anyway, so you might think otherwise, but it's not, Sagittarius gets along very well with Aquarius.

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