2013-07-16 6:15 am
大家好 我想到美國讀大學 想問有關美國考試制度既問題
我本身係舊制中七畢業 知道過美國讀大學一定要考SAT I同Toefl
我想問若然報考SAT II既Subject Tests 除左應對某些學院既特別要求外 對入學有冇加分?
而AP方面 對入學既幫助會唔會大過SAT II?
AP既公開試通常係5,6月開始 到7月先有結果 但大學收生係春季3,4月已經完成 咁AP既成績到時再後補 還是應該要再早一年去報考呢?

若然自修AP 好似係Physics Chemistry呢類有實驗既科目 又會唔會相當吃力?

回答 (3)

2013-07-16 12:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes - it will help only when your SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1/2 is higher than SAT reasoning test.

2. Yes - AP, in some ways, is equivalent to IB, GCE A-Level and HKALE.

3. AP are both exams and courses. Colleges use in-school performances to determine admission.

Also, in a majority of the cases, due to the design of high school system in the U.S., a lot of students have some AP exams ready when they submit the application.

4. No.

My advice is simple - even your HKALE result met the minimum requirement for a UGC program, you should look into community college instead. Due to grading system difference, basically, if your in-school result is not As and Bs (HKALE result 5 or above), it will be extremely difficult for you to get admission based on test scores only.

2015-05-01 8:32 am
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●九州 娛樂 網站
2013-07-17 5:43 am
Community College 資料大全 (新加:會考廿幾分選擇+高中資料)

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