English question, What's an elegant term for "bad student"?

2013-07-15 7:15 am
I am writing an essay, and I want to refer the students who are falling behind in studies, all I could think of is "low achieving students", is there another word to describe them?

回答 (5)

2013-07-15 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
The students are working at their level, which is 3rd grade, however, this is 6th grade and therefore, they need to really apply themselves to acquire and learn grade level material..
參考: teacher
2013-07-15 3:16 pm
Dunces is traditional, but I suppose you want something less dysphemistic. "Non-academically special".
2013-07-15 2:22 pm
Below-average students.
2013-07-15 2:18 pm
Educationally challenged?
2013-07-15 2:16 pm

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