can a ceiling fan support a 145 pound person?

2013-07-15 3:51 am

回答 (7)

2013-07-15 11:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not normally, depends on how well it is build and or installed.
2013-07-15 12:58 pm
Quite possibly, my daughter (who is a cop) recently had to attend a suicide of a woman who hung herself from a ceiling fan, they were surprised that it had held her weight.
2013-07-16 3:07 pm
... What are you doing that requires knowing this?
2013-07-15 2:25 pm
Unlikely. But, a ceiling fan for factories will be more likely because they are strong.
2013-07-16 1:53 am
Just lol.
2013-07-15 10:52 am
Not a chance.
2013-07-15 10:51 am

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