求Check grammar 同 字詞用法

2013-07-15 12:18 am
每個字我都有用特定句式黎作, 希望大家可幫check grammar同字詞用法 :)

Announce: Obama announced some policy against gun control in America. However, many gun users objected it.

Vanish: My mobile phone was placed on the bed, but it vanished after i went.

Identify: Our fingerprints identify us for passing the safety inspection to China.

Rectify: Everyone makes mistakes, mind you can rectify it , so no need to depress of it!

Jaywalk: According to The Basic Law, you will get penalty if you are jaywalking.
Quote: With referance to the latest e-mail, i am glad that you are coming Hong Kong soon!

Extinguish: Our love have extinguished since last Valentine's Day, we are having a new life now.

Boycott: For helping and saving the world, we should boycott plastic bags.

Prosecute: You will be prosecute regarding the slandering.

Vindicate: One the one hand, Mr. Yeung did not appeared in the house since last month. On the other h.nd, he went to France for working. So I have enough evidence to vindicate him!

回答 (3)

2013-07-15 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Announce: Obama announced some policy against gun control in America.
However, many gun users objected it.

Vanish: My mobile phone was placed on the bed but it vanished after I went.

Identify: Our fingerprints identify us for passing the safety inspection to China.

Rectify: Everyone has made mistakes. I mind that you can rectify it so you
don't need to depress of it!

Jaywalk: According to The Basic Law, you will get penalty if you jaywalk.

Quote: With referance to the latest e-mail, I am glad that if you will come Hong
Kong soon!

Extinguish: Our love have extinguished since last Valentine's Day. We are
having a new life now.

Boycott: For helping and saving the world, we should boycott plastic bags.

Prosecute: You will be prosecuted for regarding the slandering.

Vindicate: On the one hand, Mr.Yeung hasn't appeared in the house since last
month. On the other hand, he went to France for working so I have enough
evidence to vindicate him!

2013-07-15 08:59:42 補充:
line 3: but不跟逗號
line 5: makes 改為 has made (用現在完成式)
line 5: mind 改為 I mind that
line 5: so不跟逗號
line 6: no 改為 you don't
line 7: are jaywalking 改為 jaywalk (用現在式)
line 8: you are coming 改為 if you will come (如果句子最後用soon, come 要用將來式)
line 13: prosecute要加d
line 13: regarding 前面要加 for

2013-07-15 09:00:06 補充:
line 14: did not 改為 hasn't (如果句子後面用since, appear 要用現在完成式)
line 15: so不跟逗號
2013-07-15 6:31 am
Announce: Obama has announced some policies on gun control in America. However, many gun users object them.If you use past tense 'objected', it means they objected the policies in the past. If they objected the policies in the past and still object them now, then you should use present tense.
Vanish: My mobile phone was placed on the bed, but it vanished after I left / when I was away.
'It vanished after I came back' means 'when I came back, it was still there. it vanished after that'. It is ok to say 'after I came back, I found that it has vanished'
Identify: Our fingerprints help to identify us when we pass the safety inspection in China.
Rectify: Everyone makes mistakes. Bear in mind you can rectify your mistakes. So no need to be depressed!
Jaywalk: According to The Basic Law, you will be penalized if you jaywalk.
Quote: With reference to the latest e-mail, I am glad that you are coming to Hong Kong soon!Extinguish: Our love has been extinguished since the last Valentine's Day. We have moved on.
This is not a right way to use the word 'extinguish'. 'Extinguish' means 'to stop a feeling or idea from continuing to exist'. I think normally love dies down or vanish by itself. Nobody 'stops' or 'extinguish' it.
Boycott: To help in saving the world, we should boycott plastic bags.
Prosecute: You will be prosecuted for the slandering.
Vindicate: On one hand, Mr. Yeung has not been in the house since last month. On the other hand, he went to work in France . So I have enough evidence to vindicate him!I dont understand what you try to say here. Can you tell me in Chinese?

2013-07-15 1:02 am

Announce: Obama had announced some policies against gun control in America. However, many gun users objected it.

Vanish: My mobile phone was placed on the bed, but it vanished after I came back.

Identify: Our fingerprints allow us to be identified when passing the safety inspection in China.

Rectify: Although everyone makes mistakes, you can rectify your mistakes. So there is no need to be depressed about it!

Jaywalk: According to The Basic Law, you will get a penalty if you jaywalk.
Quote: With reference to the latest e-mail, I am glad that you are coming to Hong Kong soon.

Extinguish: Our love has been extinguished since the last Valentine's Day. Each of us is having a new life now.

Boycott: To help and save the world, we should boycott plastic bags.

Prosecute: You will be prosecuted for the slandering.

Vindicate: Whereas Mr. Yeung has not appeared in the house since the last month, he was found to go to France for working. This provides me enough evidence to vindicate him!

2013-07-14 17:16:53 補充:
1:用 reported speech,這句很像 news 的英文。
2:用 went 意思不完整。當你一去時,你怎知手機不見了?一定是回來時才知道吧。
3:指模只是個 identity,不能像機器或人員般 identify 我們,所以指模是讓我們被 identify。
4:Mind you 在這裡語氣太強烈了。
5:are jaywalking 好像暗示了「你現在在 jaywalk 中」的話便會受罰。
6:With reference to (...) 有點 formal 過頭,建議改改它。
7:用 We 的話,就表示了你們兩個在一起開始新生活,而不是各人開始自己的新生活。

2013-07-14 17:20:32 補充:
8:感覺用 To + bare infinitive 比較好,聽起來更具力量。
參考: 自己

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