
2013-07-14 9:19 pm
香港有沒有法律規定法官要作香港政府化驗所的證供、電腦紀錄事實、證人供詞作裁決的呢? 謝謝您。

如果香港政府化驗所說的都是事實,不要討論事實。 不想被扣分。


香港政府化驗 惟一 警察證人證供結合電腦紀錄 證明我 沒犯法。 Impossible。 所以法官是在沒有證據,或沒有理解證據, 或歪曲證據, 。。。 不好估計去裁決的。 律政司做出了 政府化驗所的圖,但文字誤導 法官。

回答 (2)

2013-07-15 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
No and Yes.

No - there is no law requiring the judge to make such determination.

Yes - Hong Kong's legal principal requires the judge to do so.

As a case, the correct term is known as "burden of proof".

In all (civil and criminal) cases, the party who introduces the evidence (like a test result) has the burden to prove that it is accurate and correct. The another party has the opportunity to make reasonable objections (such as you can claim the test has been contaminated, if you know this is the case). Then the party who brings will have to prove to the court that that objection is not valid.

2013-07-18 03:41:57 補充:
1. I am not a lawyer.

2. Most of the causes you mention will not hold in the court. The Government has police power, which exempt them from liability from enforcing the law. Your best chance for lawsuit is assault.

3. Otherwise, filing a misconduct charge will be easier.
2013-07-18 6:57 am
Hi Gary,
Thank you so much for your serious answer, I appreciate it always. The DOJ drew a Chart to agree the method to prove I did not violated the red light, but he mislead the judge by words.
Now, I am planning to sue
1. Policemen commit Perjury
2. DOJ mislead the court
3. P destroy 999

2013-07-17 22:59:40 補充:
3. policemen destroyed 999 record or conceal the record to set up the victim

4. Policemen assault the victim 13 bruises + tissue disable forever.

Do you know how to write the Charge sheet?

Thank you in advance.

2013-07-17 23:00:48 補充:
Furthermore, can you practise in Canada? area? thanks

2013-07-18 08:47:48 補充:
Thank you very much indeed, forever!

The Chief Clerk of the court told me the difficulty days ago.

"Misconduct" will be the word in my case. I do not want to against anyone in the world, but I should not be labeled by the "criminal record" without criminal activity.thanks

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