
2013-07-14 10:31 am
Not Your Mothers Rules- Don't get into text fests and no dates!! Get Not Your Mothers Rules.
Has anyone texted so much they lost the guy?!!-E


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2013-07-16 9:00 pm
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Not Your Mothers Rules- Don't get into text fests and no dates!! Get Not Your Mothers Rules.
Has anyone texted so much they lost the guy?!!-E

非老媽規則書給女孩的小撇步--別成天忙著發簡訊,也別急著約會!!! 買本非老媽規則書來讀吧!

有人因為發太多簡訊而被男人甩過嗎? !! --小艾
2013-07-14 1:49 pm
現代女生須知 (NYMR) 之【不要成為一個短訊多多,約會缺缺的女生!】不要小看這個提示,在座有誰因為打短訊太多把男朋友嚇(打)跑的?!!-伊。


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