I got this book here...?

2013-07-14 6:36 am
...that says "the fool says in his heart, 'there is a god.'"

So, for all those Christians who like to quote Psalm 14:1 as evidence of our foolishness, why do you think we should accept the quote from your book as evidence any more than you accept the quote from mine as evidence of your foolishness?

回答 (6)

2013-07-14 6:44 am
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They "think" their book was written by a god.
2013-07-14 1:44 pm
believe whatever you want to believe... you have heard enough about Christianity to make a decision. I don't expect any one who is not a Christian to take a bible verse as proof. that would be dumb on my part. if you would like to know what the bible teaches I will happily tell you to the best of my ability though.
2013-07-14 2:10 pm
well its true, it is pretty foolish to say there is no God, look at yourself in the mirror your features happens to be put in well place such as an symmetrically well design and to say we just came from no where & from nothing?
and the bible does prove he is real just by the prophetic prophecies that have already been fulfilled and the prophecies concerning the last days which were living in and it says in the last days people will deny the power of God.
and the bible is true its full of archaeological finding of actual places and the best one of divine intervention is that there is still chariots in the red sea when Moses cross it
and dont get caught up with the philosophy of this world which deceives people. reason with yourself and find whats true.
2013-07-14 1:56 pm
There was a man who lived about 2,000 years ago, who claimed to be the Son of God. He said He could take away the sins of those who would believe in Him and entrust their lives to Him. Both your idea and His idea cannot be true at the same time, ever. I choose to live by Jesus' Words and not yours--He also said "if you do not believe that I am the One I claim to be, you will die in your sins", but He says to believe Him and He will forgive all your sins forever--One of these messages brings life and the other one is a message of...life if one turns to Jesus.
2013-07-14 1:46 pm
I don't just believe Psalms 14:1 because it's in the bible. It has rung true for me again and again and again and again. There are such things as educated idiots.
參考: Christian
2013-07-14 1:45 pm
Your book is only partially right, as truly a fool blindly goes into a practice of habit and denials and without any evaluation says that there is a God. It takes some real experience to actually get to know him. Though, some parts are uncertain, because to me the heart defines the spirit, though all it really is is just a muscle to pump blood. I wonder what defines the heart, now...

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