Why Zimmerman found "Not Guilty"?

2013-07-14 5:06 am

回答 (11)

2013-07-15 5:32 pm
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Because the evidence did not support anything else.
參考: Life member N.R.A.
2013-07-14 5:07 am
Justice has been served
參考: Suck it
2013-07-14 5:08 am
Because the prosecutor could not convince the jury he was guilty
2013-07-14 5:07 am
Because that's what the jury decided.
參考: It's done and over.
2013-07-14 5:08 am
because someone was beating his head into the ground and broke his nose. he had the right to protect himself from this and utilized that right. zimmerman did nothing but ask him a question, does that merit an attack? the jury didnt think so.
2013-07-15 7:26 am
He was defending himself from a 17 yr. old who was inflicting bodily harm to Zimmerman. Our legal system didn't cave in to outside pressure.
2013-07-14 5:09 am
Because they had no evidence that he was guilty so there for he is not found guilty.
2013-07-15 12:10 pm
Because the evidence did not support the charges of manslaughter or Murder II.
2013-07-14 5:09 am
Because there isn't enough evidence to show he did it. He got the benefit of doubt. I agree and think that if you don't want to get shot then mind your own business. If the victim was willing to mind his own business than he wouldn't have been a victim. I'm sure zimmerman wasn't gonna throw away his life if the victim didn't do something first.
2013-07-14 5:07 am
Cause he's white. If a Black man shot someone, they'd be thrown in prison for sure, but when a white guy shoots someone, we give him a slap on the wrist and a banana sticker for his effort.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:53:58
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