Does Y!Answers have a ghost in the machine?

2013-07-13 10:39 am
Reasonable and fair Questions & Answers keep disappearing it's kind of spooky *chills*

回答 (10)

2013-07-13 11:57 am
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Yes indeed, dear Esmeralda. One is verily of the opinion that this aforementioned website is the Bermuda Triangle of the interweb world. One recommends they employ the services of that Derek Acorah chappie. They may even be able to secure "mates rates" so to speak.
2013-07-13 2:13 pm
No Yahoo does not have any ghosts that eliminates questions, but they do have a phantom deleter, a person who deliberately complains about questions, someone who acts in a childish, crass and belligerent manner. He or she is known to the Yahoo hierarchy as the Phantom Assassin, he or she strikes fear and terror into would be answerers at the behest of the hierarchy. How do I know these dark secrets? well I AM the Phantom Assassin, yes ME, but you will never discover my identity, I am far too clever to be caught by the run of the mill questionnaires and answerers such as your self...hehehehe, Oh the joy of deleting, the untold power that I have at my finger tips, Mmmmm, this power surge is almost sexual, I can feel myself (sic) getting flushed as I have just spotted another puerile question that requires my attention. You will not catch me my anonymity is endless, on a can see my name can't you?
2013-07-14 9:03 am
Not a ghost, a worm, which threads its way through peoples´ activities to report any slight - very, very slight error - which could be construed as being not conforming with the guide-lines of Y!A.

I suspect boredom, grudges and / or jealousy are main components for this type of behaviour.
2013-07-17 3:24 am
Just like old times then, eh?
2013-07-13 10:43 am
They deleted my question and answers too!
2013-07-13 10:44 am
No. It's just malicious people reporting questions and answers for abuse when there is no reason for it. Unless an appeal is successful, which appears unlikely in most cases as any comment is taken as not conforming to the "question and answer" format (which in the real world involves comments and explanations), the question or answer is deleted.
2013-07-15 7:13 am
Because smart people are endangered species
2013-07-14 2:13 am
If so, judging by the religion and spirituality section, it has some serious issues to work out...
2016-10-22 9:23 pm
properly there's a small huge huge difference that's been at present made between a pair positions, that's truly what you're starting to be at the following. there's a large difference between Materialism and Physicalism. Materialism is that older view that asserts that each little thing that exists is definitely textile in a roundabout way. Physicalism is like the well-known extra state-of-the-paintings type of Materialism, jointly with basically each and each of the organic forces and such. So it might want to accommodate for strange quantum debris and all that jazz. It in basic terms says there is no longer some thing extra to the universe than the totality of all those issues, that are all organic.
2013-07-13 1:36 pm
you can delete your questions

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